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Heads are a recurring theme in TMBG songs.
Central theme
- Asbury Park - "I got kicked in the head"'
- Bangs
- Contrecoup
- Hall Of Heads
- Headless
- I Am A Human Head
- Mrs. Train - "I don't want to be first in line to see the missing head"
- My Man - "I guess my man's fallen out with my head"
- Put Your Hand Inside the Puppet Head
- Stand On Your Own Head
- There's A Light Coming Out Of My Head
- Till My Head Falls Off
- Turn Around - "There's a human skull on the ground" (see also Skulls)
- Unsupervised, I Hit My Head
- We Want A Rock - "Everybody wants prosthetic foreheads on their real heads" (see also Artificial Body Parts)
- You Probably Get That A Lot - Cephalophores
- You're On Fire - "Combustible head!"
Briefly mentioned
- A Self Called Nowhere - "The sunken head that lies in the bed"
- Aaa - "Turn your head around so I can see"
- Am I Awake? - "Something else besides my hair is growing from my head"
- Ant - "That ant crawled in your head in the nighttime"
- Anyone Can Fill My Shoes - "She'll pick a partner and turn his head around"
- The Bells Are Ringing - "They tilt their heads so they won't miss what it will say"
- Best Regrets - "I keep my head low..."
- The Big Big Whoredom - "There's plenty more heads of hair for us out there"
- Can't Keep Johnny Down - "...I don't forget a face"
- CATENAS MEAS AMISI - (transl.) "No heads are turned"
- Certain People I Could Name - "Count the arms, the legs and heads, and then divide by five"
- Columbia - "No need to hang your head down"
- Crystal Fortress - "Her head is bowed and a tiny tear traces these words in the dew"
- Dead - "Did a large procession wave their torches as my head fell in the basket"
- The Drinky Crow Show Theme (Demo 2) - "Off with their heads, off with their heads"
- Experimental Film - "I already know the ending it's / the part that makes your face implode"
- Finished With Lies - "I should have my head examined"
- Flo Wheeler - "Something snaps inside my head"
- Flying V - "You've got to tilt your head to see"
- Four Of Two - "I lay my head down on the sidewalk"
- Homunculus - "It stuck in your head and now you're crying"
- The House At The Top Of The Tree-"Dog with his head out the window"
- House Of Mayors - "And turn their heads and blink their eyes"
- I Palindrome I - "I am a snake head eating the head on the opposite side"
- I'm Impressed - "My head's nodding 'yes'"
- I'm Your Boyfriend Now - "listening to voices in my head"
- I've Got A Fang - "Her head exploded like a atom bomb"
- Lazyhead And Sleepybones - Lazyhead
- Letterbox - "If I had a pair of eyes in the back of my head for each time"
- Listless - "A metal brace to hold my head erect"
- McCafferty's Bib - "If only there were some way to shut out / All this noise in my head"
- Mink Car - "It's all in your head"
- The Neck Rolls Aren't Working - Headband
- Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon - "Fire alarms go off in your head"
- Number Two - "Two ears on your head, so you can hear when I'm talkin'"
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes - "Their heads are caving in"
- Old Pine Box - "With your head full of rocks"
- Or So I Have Read - "If you swallowed up the planet ... It would be inside your head", "Microscopic astronauts / Will land on your head"
- Particle Man - "Hit on the head with a frying pan"
- Pencil Rain - "Now helmets on each head"
- Prevenge - "On the headfo"
- Protagonist - "I need new head shots"
- Rhythm Section Want Ad - "The New Age hairstyle made of bones" sounds like a reference to skulls, unless this is some bit of cultural minutae I'm not up on....
- Robot Design - "Rest your head on the chopping block"
- Rocket Ship - "Head in the way of the viewers"
- Sally Boy Candy Bar - "Ya got a heart for a head"
- Savoy Truffle - "The sweat is going to fill your head"
- S-E-X-X-Y - "Wig on her head"
- The Secret Life Of Six - "Six knows how to stand on his head" (as does Nine)
- See The Constellation - "I lay my head on the railroad track"
- Sensurround- "When I was only a zygote, I still remember the time... when there was nothing to know or to think about except the sound of my mind."
- Sketchy Galore - "Sketchy Galore is scratching his head with a flashlight"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - "He showed me how to spin my head round and round"
- Social Media - "Trying to clear my head and ignore the crowd"
- Somebody's Body - "What's the writing on your forehead say?"
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - "...on the back of your head?"
- South Carolina - "It crushed my head"
- Spine - "And I've been rubbin' my head against my neck", "And I've been walkin' my fingers through my mind"
- Spoiler Alert - "One to scratch my head"
- Tucson - "No head on my body"
- Violin - "George Washington's head"
- What Bothers The Spaceman? - "The teeth in his head"
- When Tornadoes Take Over The World - "Your friends will be swirling right above your disembodied head"
- Where Your Eyes Don't Go - "There's a pair of eyes in back of your head", "When the skull head is in front of you"
- Whistling In The Dark - "And hit my head on the wall of the jail"
- Withered Hope - "Gave her everything he was holding in his head"
- Worried Sleep - "Then I made this world in my head"
- You Are Old, Father William - "And yet you incessantly stand on your head"
- You Probably Get That A Lot - "As the headless horseman said to his associate"
- Your Racist Friend - "My head can't tolerate this bobbin' and pretendin'
Honorable mentions
- I Like Fun - The music video shows a drug trip that takes the narrator to a birthday party for talking heads, of which he and his cat are now one of them.
- John Henry and Back To Skull album covers
- She Thinks She's Edith Head - A song about Edith Head, the person, not Edith's head