The Big Big Whoredom

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name The Big Big Whoredom
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Then: The Earlier Years
year 1984
first played July 7, 1983 (2 known performances)
run time 1:39
sung by John Linnell


  • John Flansburgh spoke about the song in a 1996 interview with ICE Magazine: "It's a little sad we never recorded a final version of this song. When we did it live, we had a very impressive and strange rhythm accompaniment. This version has Linnell playing guitar; it's a lop-sided, both-eyes-in-one-socket recording. Definitely less accessible than our average song."
  • In the 1980s, this song was performed live with ventriloquist dummy heads attached to poles, which Flansburgh and Linnell would wave around on stage. The band used similar props for "Exquisite Dead Guy" and "Counterfeit Faker" in the late 1990s. A mid-80s live recording of the song was released in 2001.
  • This song is referenced in "Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon" — "There's a feeling of boredom / of the big whoredom."
  • The 'Big Whoredom' could be a reference to Mount Whoredom, an old colloquial name for an area of Beacon Hill in Boston. The area earned the nickname in the late 18th century, due to the high concentration of prostitutes working there.

Song Themes

Denial, Hair, Heads, Questions, Self-Reference, Size, Upside Down


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