Number Two
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Number Two |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Here Come The 123s |
year | 2008 |
run time | 2:19 |
sung by | Danny Weinkauf (as Jebediah Deeply) |
- Danny Weinkauf wrote this song.
- From Animatus Studios (the group editing the video) on May 28, 2007:
Nationally renowned caricature artist David Cowles acted as director on the video, which was a live action piece featuring puppets. The lively song was stuck in our heads for days (weeks?) and Dave Puls did a great job of editing the wonderful footage captured by videographer Timothy Brown.
- According to the October 27, 2021 episode of This Might Be a Podcast, which featured Cowles, the video was filmed in Rochester, New York. Goldwasser puppeteered Dr. Two, while Cowles and his daughter, Alison, puppeteered the father and son puppets. Alison also played the piano during the segments where Dr. Two had human arms.
- This was the fourth and final video that Cowles completed for the album, and according to his LinkedIn, production ended around early June 2007.
- According to John Flansburgh, the band sought Dr. John to sing this song on the record, but he—or his management—declined.[1] The song and "live" segments in the video are both heavily inspired by Dr. John's performances, with Jebediah Deeply being dressed in a similar outfit and being referred to as Dr. Two.
Song Themes
Beach, Body Parts, Friendship, Heads, Love, Non-John Vocals, Numbers, Sadness, Songs With Handclaps
Current Rating You must be logged in to rate this. You can either login (if you have a userid) or create an account with us today. Number Two is currently ranked #299 out of 1032. (58 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.61) |
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