She Thinks She's Edith Head

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name She Thinks She's Edith Head
artist They Might Be Giants
releases TMBG Unlimited - June, Mink Car (except European releases)
year 2001
first played March 4, 1999 (74 known performances)
run time 2:37
sung by John Flansburgh


  • In this version of the song, Flans sings in a lower octave than the Long Tall Weekend version.
  • Learn about Edith Head and Helen Gurley Brown.
  • From the Summer 1999 Info Club newsletter: "This track is the story of a New Wave fan who loses her mind and comes to believe she is the famous Hollywood fashion designer. 'The accent in her speech she didn't have growing up.' The song is already a featured staple of the Giants' new show. This recording has a driving guitar performance by Dan Miller. Look for this number to appear on the next Giants CD."
  • The shout of "One More!" was done spontaneously by Dan Miller.

Song Themes

Accents, Age, Denial, Heads, Holidays, Mirrors And Reflections, Music, Not In Major Or Minor, People (Real), School, Screaming, Songs With Handclaps, Two Chord Songs, Windows


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She Thinks She's Edith Head is currently ranked #768 out of 1032. (95 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.64)