Savoy Truffle

From This Might Be A Wiki
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song name Savoy Truffle
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Songs From The Material World - A Tribute To George Harrison, TMBG Clock Radio, Podcast 5A, Podcast 36A, Secret Music Vol. 2, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024
year 2003
run time 3:06
sung by John Linnell, John Flansburgh harmonizes on chorus


  • "Savoy Truffle" is on the second LP of The Beatles' White Album. It was recorded October 3, 1968, at Trident Studios, with overdubs on the 5th, 11th and 14th.
  • The song was inspired by a box of "Good News" chocolates, and also by Eric Clapton, who had lots of cavities due to his love of sweets. The box listed its contents as "creme tangerine, montelimart (although the original printed lyrics omitted the r), ginger sling, pineapple treat (not "heart"), coffee dessert, savory truffle, toffee, cherry cup, coconut and caramel. There was no cherry cream, apple tart or coconut fudge. "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da", another song on the White Album, is referenced. It means "life goes on." It rhymes with "you know that what you eat you are" which Derek Taylor (the Beatles' press agent) came up with.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Coffee, Drinks, Falsetto, Food, Heads, Medical, Screaming, The Senses, TMBG Remakes, Yes


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