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Songs that mention drinking any type of beverage, but especially alcohol and coffee.
Central theme[edit]
- Bad Liquor
- Brain Problem Situation
- Burning Coffee
- Coffee Table Of Love
- Drink!
- Drinkin'
- The Drinky Crow Show Theme
- Empty Bottle Collector
- Fritalian
- Please Pass The Milk
- Pour Poor Me More Please - focuses on a master bartender
- Puppet Jam: Apple Juice Blues
- South Carolina
- Spoiled Milk From A Pampered Cow
- Tavern In Pinsk
- Thunderbird
- Trucker's Coffee
- Tubthumping
- Unsupervised, I Hit My Head
Briefly mentioned[edit]
- A Stranger's Eye - "I met a girl, we had a beer"
- Alienation's For The Rich - "With a six of Miller High Life", "just drinkin' and a-drivin'"
- Am I Awake? - "The coffee's cold, did I forget to drink it yet?"
- Anaheim - "So put away...the booze"
- Answer - "An ocean of whiskey"
- Apophenia - "Seemingly random arrangement of turbid material...It's only tea leaves"
- Arrest The Cigarettes - "Arrest the booze"
- Asbury Park - "The guy who took his beer"
- The Biggest One - "My coffee gets cold"
- Bread Hair - "Easy-bake granny with a whiskey mop"
- Cabbagetown - "With a bottle in one hand"
- Charleston - "Music milk from music cows"
- Charlottesville - "Starr Hill Music Hall, glazed with alcohol"
- The Communists Have The Music - "I asked a lass to pass me a glass"
- Darling, The Dose - "Antifreeze and hives of bees, or just a gallon of rum"
- Dinner Bell - "I don't want a bag of beef or a beer"
- D Is For Drums - "I need some juice", "I got some juice"
- Don't I Have The Right? - "Pour milk in my coffee"
- Drown The Clown - "You wonder who'll be the holder and hold the beer"
- E Eats Everything - "F ... only eats with fancy wine ... J just likes drinking juice, and K drinks only soda"
- Eight Hundred And Thirteen Mile Car Trip - "One split cup of orange juice"
- Experimental Film - "Inside an empty glass"
- Fingertips - "Please pass the milk, please"
- Garden Of Eden - "Coffee needs a refill"
- Healer's Lament - "A tall glass of aloe"
- Hearing Aid - "More coffee for me, boss"
- Hillbilly Drummer Girl - "Stomach full of whiskey", "Morning in the drunk tank / Coffee and dried blood"
- Homunculus - "You took a sip and lost your place"
- Hot Cha - "Drink and cook the prodigal son"
- I Am A Grocery Bag - "Milk and biscuits and cocktail sauce", "Fresh coffee and bagels"
- I'm Your Boyfriend Now - "Italian food and wine"
- It Could Be Worse - "And you ran out of beers"
- It's Not My Birthday - "Rattling the bars around this drink tank", "but there'd be no percentage and there'd be no proof"
- I've Got A Fang - "Open up a can of tomato juice"
- I've Got A Match - "I put a rock in the coffee in your coffee mug"
- I Was Dancing In The Lesbian Bar - "In the first bar, folks were drinking sips"
- John Lee Supertaster - "Can't drink coffee or beer"
- Lie Still, Little Bottle - "Black coffee's not enough for me"
- Long White Beard - "And she gave me some cocoa"
- Lucky Ball & Chain - "And now I rock a barstool and I drink for two"
- Lullaby To Nightmares - "Glass in hand"
- Mammal - "Glass of milk"
- Meet James Ensor - "Raise a glass and sit and stare"
- Mr. Xcitement - "Cafe con pan", "Flansy in a soda can"
- Narrow Your Eyes - "We'll race to the bottom of a glass"
- Oh You Did - "Carton of milk"
- Old Pine Box - "Into the drink"
- Operators Are Standing By - "Smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee"
- Or So I Have Read - "Mixing paint with milk will make it clear"
- P.S.O.K. (Paul Stanley of KISS) - "Alcohol!"
- Poison Flowers - "Who's going to wear my sandals stained with cherry soda?"
- Pon Pon (Demo) - "Splitting a bunk with a mariner drunk"
- Reptiles Eat With The Bones We Hear With - "Ben Harper drinks from the glass that he slides with"
- Rhythm Section Want Ad - "Your cup of tea"
- Road Movie To Berlin - "So sneak out this glass of Bourbon"
- Rowboat Mayor - "Red Solo cup"
- Savoy Truffle - "A coffee dessert"
- The Second Longest Night - "But your friends are down drinking at the White Horse", "Memorizing names of bars"
- Skullivan - "I’ll make you a pot of tea", "Tell the Skullivan what you take in your tea", etc.
- Sleep - "Drinking all my drinks"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - "I got a ride home with a drunk guy"
- Snapping Turtle - "A man who drank too much"
- Snowball In Hell - "I didn't expect to find a salesman drinking coffee this late in the morning"
- Solid Liquid Gas - "Milk is a liquid", "Could you make milk so hot it would be a gas?"
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - "Would you mind if we balanced this glass of milk"
- Starry Eyes - "We had no time for cocktails"
- Stormy Pinkness - "Fills my Johnny cup with gloom"
- A Stranger's Eye - "We had a beer"
- Tavern In Pinsk - "So pass another glass"
- They'll Need A Crane - "Gal thinks Jim Beam is handsomer than lad"
- Tippecanoe And Tyler Too - "Sure, let 'em talk about hard cider"
- Token Back To Brooklyn - "The bill collector’s drinking lighter fluid"
- Tractor - "Nourished with milk in droppers"
- Tubthumping - Whiskey, cider, and lager
- Up The Junction - "She left me when my drinking became a proper stinking"
- Valentine - "A heart frosty as this Ballantine"
- We Live In A Dump - "Our friends are all nuts, and half of 'em drunks"
- We've Got A World That Swings - "Still the taste of wine"
- Whence That Wince
- Words Are Like - "A drinking glass"
- Your Own Worst Enemy - "Full bottle in front of me"
- You Probably Get That A Lot - "Melting down some army guys to make green tea"
- Your Racist Friend - "He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking"