I Am A Grocery Bag
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | I Am a Grocery Bag |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song, No!, TMBG Clock Radio, TMBG Unlimited - April |
year | 2001 |
run time | 0:35 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- This song might be a reference to the line from Dead: "I came back as a bag of groceries".
- On December 1, 2006, the A.V. Club included this song among its 12 Songs About Shopping:
Yes, but how does it feel to be the object being used for shopping rather than the shopper? They Might Be Giants has the answer in this 30-second ditty about things you might find inside a paper sack at the supermarket. The complete list: Juices, muffins, pasta, cheese, milk, biscuits, cocktail sauce, salsa, pickles, organic grains, fresh coffee, bagels, pudding, soap, baby formula and ham. Thank you, and come again.
Song Themes
Coffee, Drinks, Egoism And Pretentiousness, Food, Problems With Liner Notes, Recycled Material
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