Eight Hundred And Thirteen Mile Car Trip

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for 813 Mile Car Trip
Screenshot from the video for 813 Mile Car Trip

song name Eight Hundred and Thirteen Mile Car Trip
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Here Come The 123s
year 2008
first played April 19, 2008 (40 known performances)
run time 0:57
sung by John Linnell; John Flansburgh harmonizes


  • Co-written by Timothy James Cawley of ad agency Hill Holliday, implying this song may have been inspired by a prompt for the Dunkin' Donuts America Runs On Dunkin' campaign.
  • Animated by Pascal Campion.
  • Whether known to the band or not, 813 miles is the approximate driving distance from Brooklyn, NY to Chicago, IL.

Song Themes

Accidents, Bad English, Drinks, Food, Numbers, Transportation, Trees And Other Plants


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Eight Hundred And Thirteen Mile Car Trip is currently ranked #657 out of 1032. (38 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.93)