Reptiles Eat With The Bones We Hear With
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Reptiles Eat with the Bones We Hear With |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | 2012 Instant Fan Club EP |
year | 2011 |
first played | April 27, 2011 (1 known performance) |
run time | 1:43 |
sung by | John Flansburgh, John Linnell |
- This song was written for The Talent Show in Brooklyn, New York, on April 27, 2011, where Flansburgh and Linnell were among the guest performers. The theme of the show was Speech and Debate. Competing in a non-judged category dubbed Extemporaneous Song, the Johns were given a choice between two topics to compose a song on. They selected "reptiles eat with the bones we hear with," and were given an article on the subject (which Linnell stated they did not read) and 30 minutes to compose a song. They returned at the end of the show to perform their composition for the audience.
- The title of this song comes from this New York Times article, discussing scientific findings on the evolutionary biology of mammals, that show that "the three little bones in their middle ear originated in the lower jaw of their reptilian predecessors."
- The topic that they rejected was a "This Day In History"-style piece on the explosion of the Steamboat SS Sultana.
Song Themes
Animals, Bad English, Body Parts, Children, Drinking, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Science
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– Recorded live on April 27, 2011 by BlueCanary
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