I Palindrome I (Dial-A-Song)

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name I Palindrome I
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Power Of Dial-A-Song, Free When You Call From Work, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2024 [incomplete]
year 1989
run time 1:43
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Taped on Dial-A-Song as early as 1989[1], this song has no connection to Apollo 18's "I Palindrome I" apart from the title. It was recorded by John Flansburgh for Dial-A-Song as a sketch, with the song's title being given to John Linnell soon after[2].
  • First made available through fan recordings of Dial-A-Song, a fragment of this song was officially released exclusively to members of the 2024 Instant Fan Club, transferred from a Dial-A-Song cassette found in John Flansburgh's storage space. Flansburgh would mention in the accompanying description: "This [song] is a classic example of a track put together for Dial-A-Song quite specifically—recorded quickly, possibly directly to the cassette, and quickly abandoned."
  • There are several different versions of this song known to exist, most of which appeared on a larger tape that aired on Dial-A-Song in 1991. The recordings range from guitar sketches to different vocal takes of the same song, as well as recordings that use another backing track. The version of this song released exclusively to members of the 2024 Instant Fan Club also includes a slight lyrical difference that replaces the first "Born on the 5th of July" with "Mister 5th of July".

Song Themes

Age, Doors, Heads, New York City, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Titles And Honorifics


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I Palindrome I (Dial-A-Song) is currently ranked #679 out of 1032. (11 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.87)