The Summer Breeze

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "The Summer Breeze"
Alternate artwork from Dial-A-Song Direct

song name The Summer Breeze
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song (2015) (as "Summer Breeze"), More Murdered Remains
year 2015
run time 2:09
sung by John Flansburgh


  • This is a re-recording of the 1994 track which appeared on the original Dial-A-Song service.
  • WEEI is a Boston talk-radio station that mainly focuses on sports; prior to 1994, when the song was written, it focused on general topics and news.
  • Music video directed by David Cowles and Jeremy Galante, with the swaying curtains being animated by Mike Genz. The video "continues", albeit with a different animation style, with the song "Rock Club", released one month later.
  • The photos seen in the yearbook at the beginning, including Charles' design, were all derived from a prop high school yearbook consisting of old stock photos, with their less desirable traits intentionally highlighted to give a more gritty feel.

Song Themes

Accidents, Body Parts, Death, Doors, Real Estate, Relatives, Stories, Transportation, Two Chord Songs, Wind, Windows


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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