Talk:The Else/Speculation
From This Might Be A Wiki
What We Know
- TMBG is working with The Dust Brothers.
- TMBG is working with Pat Dillett.
- It will be released sometime early in 2007.
- TMBG calls it their "legendary new rock album," which brings back memory of The Spine being hailed as a "psychedelic rock masterpiece"
Definite tracks
- The Cap'm - Mentioned at the November 18, 2006 late show that it will be on the next album.
- Careful What You Pack - John Flansburgh mentioned at a show that this song will be on the new album.
- Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth - Also mentioned that it's on the album, produced by The Dust Brothers.
Possible tracks
Song premieres from the Beardo 2006 Tour
Song premieres from the TMBG Podcast
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future - Podcast 5A
- Diving Board - Podcast 5B
- Miniature Sidewalk Whirlwind - Podcast 3A
- Sketchy Galore - Podcast 6B
- Valentine - Podcast 3A
- We Live In A Dump - Podcast 6A
- Considered notable enough to relaunch Dial-A-Song, featured in a podcast yet not included on Podcast Highlights, played on the 2006 tour, and featured in a Paste Culture Club radio session in a piece looking ahead to the next album. It's got a pretty solid case. However, often mentioned at shows and other appearances as a "podcast exclusive" track.
- VERY strong case. In spite of a studio version being included on Podcast Highlights, the major tour of the year was called "Beardo 2006", featured this song, and it has appeared, along with We Live In A Dump, in the Paste Culture Club radio session.
Miscellaneous premieres
- Contrecoup - made when John Linnell was challenged by the radio show The Next Big Thing to create a song using three obscure words. It was from January 2005, and during its radio premiere, Linnell remarked "it may be some time before the song gets put in some" official form, so it is probably unlikely (though still possible) that Contrecoup will appear on the new album.
- Homunculus - TMBG's Myspace (November 2006)
- Sounds polished enough to make the next album, and the first song to premiere on their Myspace page.
Complete speculation
Feel free to add any album titles or songs that you think might be a part of the next album.
Add a + for things you like, - for the opposite, and 0 for no strong decision - one vote per song, in that order.
Mentioned Titles
These titles have been mentioned by a member of TMBG in either jest or seriousness:
- Screw You (mentioned at the 7/01/06 show) (+)
- Integrity Project ("Integrity Project with the Dust Brothers" mentioned at the 6/30/06 show) (+)
- Major Label Debut (mentioned at the 8/25/06 show) (+)
- Before the Accident (mentioned in their WFUV interview on 12/05/06)
Possible Titles
- This Might Be Good (+---00)
- Beardo (++++++++++----000)
- Deranged Millionaire (++++++++++++++--------------------00000)
- Don Quixote (+)
- Trapped In Formaldehyde (+++----0)
- Escalator to Nowhere (++++++++++++++++++++++------00000)
- Galvanic Skin Response (++---)
- Here Come the Meteors (+)
- Insolent Insomniac (+)
- Japanese Fingerprints (+)
- Memory Cleared (0+)
- My Name Is John (+-+-------00)
- Quarter of a Century (+)
- Mysterious Next (++------)
- No Answer (+++++++++++++++----------0000000)
- Often Broken (++++++++++++----------0000000000)
- Our Name Is John (++++++-----0)
- Plexiglass Globe (++---------0000)
- Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (++++++----------------0)
- Secret Mountain Laboratory (one of the titles considered for Mink Car)(++)
- Seriously, Touch The Puppet Head! (++++++--------------------0)
- The Skull Album (+-----00)
- Smell the Glove (+++++-----------------------------00) HA! Going Spinal Tap are they?
- Substantial Gain (++------------000)
- Surgical Mask (++-------------0)
- Taste The Fame (++-------)
- That Jefferson Guy (+0------)
- The Taste of Progress (++++---------0)
- They Dust (+)
- Something with a big word in it. (++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----0000000)
- Something with a swear word in it (++++++++---------------------------000)
- Touch My Dad (++++----------------------------00)
- Unisphere (++++++++-------00000)
- Unrecognizable Thing (+++++++-------------0) This is so an EP title
- Unreliable Narrator (+++++++++++++-----0000)
- Unoriginal Flying Object
- V. infernalis (+++--000)
- Vanderbilt (++----)
- We Apologize For the Misunderstanding, but No We Are Not in Fact Giants. (++++++++++++++++------------------------00)
- We're Old, Get Used to it! Now where's my aspirin? (++++++----------------------------------)
- There go the ABC's (+---)
- Why Did You Grow A Beard? (++++++++++++------------------------00000000000)
- Year of the Might be Giant (++++--------)
- Lost in my Brain (+++++++---0)
- That cloud spells my name (+++---0)
- Unassuming Counterpart (Tried to name my band this but nope, they weren't having it)(++--0)
- Something about how they may also may or may not be windmills. (++++++++-----------000)
- Something having to do with the numbers 12 and 24 (the album number, and the number of years that They have been around (+++++++--------0)
- Some sort of date, like 4 Oct 2005 (++------------)
- Something witty and inventive that none of us would have thought of (+++++++)
- Something to do with puppets, such as Death By Puppets or Puppets With Exploding Heads or Puppet Theatere or just Puppets. (++)
- Integrity Project ("Integrity Project with the Dust Brothers" mentioned at the 6/30/06 show) (+++---0)
What songs do you hope will be on Their next album?
(If there is a song you think will be on, but you wouldn't want to be on, write it here and put a - by it.)
- All MacGyver On It (+-)
- Am I Awake? (++++++--)
- Ant (++++++++---)
- Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth (++)
- Contrecoup (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---0000)
- Courage the Cowardly Dog (++++-----)
- Dark And Metric (++++++-------0000)
- Dee Dee And Dexter (+++++------0)
- Studio Recording of Disappointing Show (++++++-------------------------0000000)
- Diving Board (+++++++++++--)
- Dog On Fire (+++++++-------)
- Feel Good Sublet (+++++++-------------000000)
- Fun Assassin redone in some way (++++++-----------------0000)
- Hell Hotel (hey, why not? :D) (+++++++++++++++++++++++++--------0000)
- Hocus Pocus (by Focus) (++-)
- I Enjoy Being A Boy (++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------00)
- I Might Be Giants Too (++--) I'm not sure because this song isn't recorded by TMBG.
- I'm Your Boyfriend Now (++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----00)
- I Palandrome I (DAS-versions) (+++--0)
- It Never Fails (+000)
- It Was A Very Good Year (++++++++++++----------------00000000)
- It's Not A Game (++---0)
- Kings Of The Cave (++++++++----0000)
- Love Is Eternity (+++++++++----------------------000)
- Metal Detector (Podcast Version) (+++-------00)
- Miniature Sidewalk Whirlwind (++++++++++++++++++++++++--)
- Monsters Of Mud (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------000000)
- Mrs. Cinderella (+++++++++---------0000000)
- Mrs. Train (++--0)
- No Answer (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++0000)
- No Country (++++)
- Ondine (They need to release that on an actual album.) (+++++-0)
- On Earth My Nina (++++++++-----------------00) Again?
- On The Drag (++-0)
- Particle Man (--------)WTF?
- Particle Man from XM Radio (from Podcast 1A) (++++++-----------------------000)
- Recordings of Puppet Jams (+++++++++++------------------------------------000)
- Sally Boy Candy Bar (++++++++++++-------------00000)
- Re-release of Sensurround (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------0000000)
- Somebody's Body (+++++++++-------000000)
- Subway Token To Brooklyn (++--------)
- Taste The Fame (+++++++++++++--------------------------000) (Maybe if it was a bit longer?)
- The Summer Breeze (+++--------------0000)
- The Long Grift (++----)
- Tiny Doctors (+++++++++++++++----000)
- Token Back To Brooklyn...AGAIN!!!! (++--------------------------------------0)
- Tumbleweed (+++++++++++---000000)
- Turtle Songs Of North America! (++++++++++-----------------0000)
- Unreliable Narrator (++++++++++++-00)
- Valentine (+++++++-+--0)
- Vestibule (+++) the newsletter said it wont.
- We Live In A Dump (++++++++++++-00)
- Welcome To The Jungle (++++++++++++++++-----0)
- What Is Everyone Staring At (+++++++++++++++--------00000)
- What Are We Doin' To Pigs? (++-)
- When Tornadoes Take Over The World (++++++++++---------0000000)
- Why Did You Grow A Beard? (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------000000)
- Yeah, The Deranged Millionaire (++++++++++++++++------------------00000)
- "Younger" (++-----------00000)
- A cover of an obscure, yet awesome song (+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--00000)
- A cover of a song by The Residents (++-)
- Another song like Fingertips (+++++++++++++-----------------------000)
- An entire album spent making longer versions of the songs of Fingertips (+++++++++----------------------------000)
- Anything that could reasonably be touted as a "return to form" [+++++++++++++++++++--00]
- A cover of "I Fought the Law" (++++++------------------)
- NOT putting songs that TMBG would never play, or put on an album for that matter, on this list (++++++++++++++++++++--)
- A Rock Opera (a la "Tommy") (+++++++++++++----0)
- The ring tone songs, maybe as bonus tracks (+++++++++++--0)
- Studio versions of the ring tone songs (++------0)
- A cover of The Ultimate Showdown (+++++++++--------------)
- How about ALL NEW SONGS, ones we've never heard before? (+++++++++++++++++++++++++--)
- A cover of "The Final Countdown"... on accordion!! (++++++------)
- A cover of Dragostea Din Tei by The O-Zone (that would be awesome, but in english, not Romanian :-)) (+++++---------)
- A free bonus live DVD or CD (+++++++++++++++++++0)
- A cover of the Arrested Development theme (++++------)
- A full 40+ minute version of Dallas in the style of Jethro Tull's Thick As A Brick (++++--------)
- Don't Let's Start remix (with dust bros.) (+---0)
- An Early Years-style video accompanying the first single. (+++++)
- A longer version of Call Connected Thru The NSA (++0)
- A song with lots of accordion, it's been too underused lately (+++++++++)
- A cover of "Your Auntie Grizelda" by the Monkees (+++)
- A cover of "Roadrunner" by Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers (-)
- A cover of a song written by one or more women (a la New York City or Don't Break The Heart (+0)
- An awesome instrumental (+++)
- An accordion-driven cover of "Faust" from the Phantom Of The Paradise (come on, tell me that wouldn't kick ass) (+)
- An album long medley with segues (-+)