From This Might Be A Wiki

Dial-A-Song (2015) artwork
song name | Omnicorn |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Dial-A-Song (2015), Why? |
year | 2015 |
first played | March 20, 2016 (1 known performance) |
run time | 1:47 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- According to John Flansburgh, this song was "in the works for a longer time than you would ever guess (the original version was kind of an old timey thing)".[1]
- When asked about "songs that have gotten away" in a 2015 interview with Australian Musician Flansburgh answered with:
I thought of a really great bridge for ["Omnicorn" while] walking to a car garage and I sang it to my phone and it seemed really clever and melodic in a Beatle-y kind of way. Then my phone died in the middle of it and it didn't save the file and the idea flew out of my head.
- The video was directed by Paul Sahre, and written and storyboarded by David Cowles.
- The term "no-see-ums" typically refers to tiny flies like midges.
Song Themes
Insects, Museums, Mythology, Nonsense Words, Religion, Supernatural
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