I Lost Thursday

From This Might Be A Wiki
Official YouTube upload of "I Lost Thursday"
Download artwork for "I Lost Thursday"

song name I Lost Thursday
artist They Might Be Giants
releases 2020 Instant Fan Club, I Lost Thursday (Single), Secret Music Vol. 1, I Broke My Own Rule (Single), I Can't Remember The Dream (Single), Super Cool (Single), Part Of You Wants To Believe Me (Single), BOOK
year 2020
run time 3:14
sung by John Flansburgh


  • An August 2021 press release for BOOK expanded on the song:[1]

Flansburgh describes "I Lost Thursday" as a song that's "about the simple recognition that you're losing touch with time, but it certainly speaks to this moment." The song's musical bedrock is a bassline that Linnell recorded remotely. Flansburgh compares its "pushy fusion sound" to the band's landmark 1988 album Lincoln.

"I Lost Thursday" seemed like a personal song in a way, but obviously it's a kind of a universal sentiment in the era of the pandemic. But in some ways I feel like I could have written the song at any time. I mean, the song is pretty paranoid and, well, I mean, I guess I'm pretty paranoid!
  • When asked how the song was recorded during the COVID-19 pandemic, Flansburgh said on Tumblr that "it was just good old file sharing between me and JL."[2] Linnell explained further in an interview:[3]
Actually, on this album, there’s at least one track where [Flansburgh] asked me to just write a bunch of basslines. So I sent him MIDI files of a number of basslines and he picked one and wrote a song on top of that. I think what we’ve discovered is that the more you mix it up, the more variety you wind up with, you know, you come up with different techniques. [I Lost Thursday was] my bassline but John wrote the whole song on top of that, so I think of it as a Flansburgh song.
  • Originally released on October 20, 2020 for a pay-what-you-can donation to support TMBG's live crew and band on TMBG's merch store.
  • Debuted on YouTube and streaming services on March 26, 2021 following the announcement that it would be the lead single from BOOK.
  • This is the only song on BOOK that TMBG, rather than Pat Dillett, is credited with mixing.

Song Themes

Altered States, Animals, Forgetting And Remembering, Paranoia, Religion, Supernatural, Sleep (Theme), Time, Traded Tracks


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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