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Songs that deal with love more or less straightforwardly or sincerely. It can be love between two people, or for a thing -- basically any mention of that emotion, as long as it's unaccompanied by stated or implied souring. C'mon, guys, they've written a few!
Central theme
- After You - "We had a date at eight, we had a table for two"
- All Expenses Paid - "All expenses paid, and all in the name of love"
- All The Lazy Boyfriends
- Ampersand
- Another First Kiss
- Ana Ng
- Anyone Can Fill My Shoes - "To too much love for only one?"
- Bangs - "Once with a girl I fell in love some time ago"
- Big News - "You see your love gone dead"
- Coffee Table Of Love
- Concrete And Clay
- Contrecoup - The narrator's head injury made him limerent
- The Darlings Of Lumberland
- Dashiki Lover
- Down In The Boondocks - "I love him, he loves me"
- Downtown Girls
- The Day That Love Came To Play
- First Kiss
- Friday Night I Want To Go To The Disco - "Our lives romance"
- Funnier Than Love
- I Can't Be Sure
- I Enjoy Being A Boy - "... in love with you"
- I Love To Sing
- I Love You For Psychological Reasons
- I'm Gettin' Sentimental Over You - "Now I see that love is all that I'm thinking of"
- I'm Your Boyfriend Now
- Impossibly New - "With love that's impossibly new"
- The Joker
- Love Is Eternity
- Make It The Same
- New York City
- Never Knew Love
- Nice 'N' Easy
- Number Two
- One Of A Billion Boys
- Out Of Jail - "Stranger could have loved that town ... I wish I'd gotten to know her before I fell in love"
- Plain As The Lie On Your Lips
- Portable Trouble Spot - "She says she loves you but she's just a pretender"
- Pet Name
- Sapphire Bullets Of Pure Love
- S-E-X-X-Y
- She's An Angel - "We both said, 'I really love you'"
- (Since You Joined) The Corporation - "When you told me that you loved me"
- Sleeping In The Flowers - "I got a crush"
- Small Town Suburban Boy - "I call up my girlfriend, I ask her to go to the movies"
- Stormy Pinkness (Love Version) - audience chanting "love!"
- That Thing You Do
- Too Real - "And it's only love that I feel"
- Too Tall Girl
- Tractor
- Valentine
- We've Got A World That Swings
- What Is Everyone Staring At? - "Haven't they seen two people in love?"
- Withered Hope - "I'm in love with you"
- Will You Love Me In December As You Do In May?
- Yeh Yeh - "My baby loves me"
Briefly mentioned
- Applause Applause Applause - Kisses and hugs
- Brainwashing Our Fighting Boys - "They've been forced to live / In a land of love"
- Bread Hair - "If you love me, you needn't the whole wheat crop"
- Definition Of Good - "Laughing at the same thing, looking into your eyes"
- Dog - "She's a dog who wrote the book of love / And then devoured it"
- Don't Cry - "And it's all I can do just to say 'I love you'"
- ECNALUBMA - "Marry me and be my wife"
- Empty Boulevards
- The End Of The Tour - "Never to part since the day we met ... We kissed at the overpass"
- Even Numbers - "She loves me, she loves me not"
- Everybody Knows It - "Love is like a..."
- Fascinating Friends - "Take him out to a place I know"
- For Science - "I'll be her love slave ... He'll be her love slave forever"
- Four of Two - "I was planning to say I was in love with her"
- Georgy Girl - "Bring out all the love you hide"
- Half A Boy - "Now love's not only for the curious", "Now love is only for the curious"
- Fingertips #3: I Hear The Wind Blow - "I'm the one who loves you so"
- I Palindrome I - "'Beloved,' I said"
- If I Wasn't Shy - "I'd ask you, if you don't mind, to kiss you a hundred times"
- I've Got A Match - "Love people are there / The smell of love is everywhere"
- John Lee Supertaster - "Loves ice cream and pie"
- Kiss Me, Son Of God - "That you love me, and I love me"
- Letterbox - "Too late or soon to make noise about love"
- Man, It's So Loud In Here - "When they start the love machine and I can love again"
- Mario Speaks - "We'll live on love--the love we have for sophisticated head-bobbing music!"
- Museum Of Idiots - "Every piece of me will say 'I love you'"
- Name - "They're gonna love you for this"
- Nice Is Good, Mean Is Bad - "Love is good, hate is bad ... love is better than hate."
- Now That You're One Of Us - "These are the things we love to do"
- Piece Of Dirt - "A woman's voice on the radio can convince you you're in love"
- Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head - "Well it's a mighty zombie talking of some love and posterity ... You need some lo-lo-loving arms"
- Rhythm Section Want Ad - "There's a place for those who love their poetry"
- Rock Club - "We love all the people"
- Say Nice Things About Detroit - "There I was anticipating / Some kind of love"
- Spider - "We love you, Spider!"
- Spines - "Gonna make you fall in love again... Gonna make you fall in love with spines"
- Stand On Your Own Head - "I love the world"
- Theme From Flood - "Why is the world in love again?"
- This Ape's For You - "He wants to love you"
- This Boy's In Pieces
- With The Dark - "She's in love with her broken heart; she's in love with the dark"
- Why Must I Be Sad? - "I love the dead ... muscle of love"
- Women & Men - "Bringing with them messages of love and everywhere they go, love will grow"
Honorable mentions
- I C U - The live action video for the combo release of Here Come The ABCs seems to imply the male X has a crush on the female X. Moreso, this song could possibly be interpreted as someone "C"-ing their "X"-lover in public doing "O K" after a breakup.