Now That You're One Of Us

From This Might Be A Wiki
YouTube Music release

song name Now That You're One of Us
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Disney's Return To Neverland
year 2002
run time 0:37
sung by The "Return to Neverland" Cast


  • This song was mentioned in the Summer 1999 Info Club newsletter:
The song is entitled "Now That You're One Of Us" and is sung by the Peter Pan characters, the Lost Boys. Drummer from the Apollo 18 tour JD Feinberg provides a wild Spike Jones-style percussion solo. The Disney Home Video, entitled "Peter and Jane" is currently being created by animators in Toronto. A release date has not been set.
  • Contrary to the Info Club statement, Feinberg mentioned in 2022 that he did not appear on the recording, although he remembered playing on a song titled "The Island Of Lost Boys"[1].

Song Themes

Cartoons, Hair, Love, Non-John Vocals


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