Plain As The Lie On Your Lips
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Plain as the Lie on Your Lips |
artist | John Linnell |
releases | Unreleased |
year | 1987 |
run time | 2:21 |
sung by | John Linnell |
- The Watchface piece "More Songs of Desire and Despair", which was performed from April to May 1987, featured songs written by Flansburgh and Linnell among others for Watchface member Iris Rose to sing. Flansburgh contributed "Don't I Have The Right?" (later to become a song on Mono Puff's first album in 1996), and Linnell contributed this song, the Linnell-sung demo for which can be found here.
Song Themes
Body Parts, Hands, Jail And Imprisonment, Lies And Deception, Love, Love Gone Sour, Sadness, Sleep, Stories, Time
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