Marty Beller

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They Might Be Giants
John FlansburghJohn Linnell
Marty Beller · Dan Miller · Danny Weinkauf
The Next President of the United States of America - Mr. Marty Beller!

Marty Beller (born July 10th, 1967) is the current drummer for They Might Be Giants. Prior to becoming the band's full-time drummer, he was in a different band called Meow, for which Dan Miller had toured. In 2000, Danny Weinkauf asked Marty to sub for a show for which Dan Hickey had a conflict.[1]

After that initial performance, he played with TMBG's Other Thing and drummed for TMBG during some bookstore performances. He also provided drums and percussion for "Impossible" and "Happy Doesn't Have To Have An Ending," two songs on the CD included with the 2003 book Bed, Bed, Bed. When Dan Hickey decided to leave the full-time in early 2004, Beller took his position as a drummer and currently tours with TMBG.

Marty's Beardo 2006 Tour drumhead, featuring his initials.

As an official member of the band, Beller wrote and sang "Alphabet Lost And Found" on the Here Come The ABCs album, "High Five!" on Here Come The 123s and "Speed And Velocity" on Here Comes Science.

Marty is married and has a daughter named Violet, born September 12, 2005, and a son named Noah, born January 18, 2008. In 1999 he released two solo albums.

As of 2010, Marty uses a clear acrylic Ludwig Vistalite drum set, Zildjian cymbals, a Roland SPD-S, and various Latin Percussion instruments in his live set up. Occasionally, he had a Roland TD-20S, Zildjian cymbals and an additional Roland SPD-S set up on the opposite side of the stage which was used from October 2009 until October 2010.

Beller's drum kit from March 2008 until May 2010 was a ddrum kit with Zildjian cymbals, and a conga used in the setup.

Marty Beller in the "D Is For Drums" video.

In addition to playing with TMBG, Marty and Dan Miller have their own musical production firm called MartyDan Industries. Working together, the duo has created music for film, TV, and commercials. Marty has also played with Jonathan Coulton live, and on Coulton's album Artificial Heart.

Linnell revealed in this interview that Marty is the only member of the band who doesn't drink coffee, at least not as a pre-show ritual, because he's more the "clean type."

See also[edit]

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