
From This Might Be A Wiki
MisterMe's Collection
BOOKBOOKFirst Album LiveFloodFlood Live In AustraliaForest/TreesIdlewild (Album)John HenryLincolnMink CarRoman SongsState SongsThe Pamphlet EP
TMBW Userboxes
Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite active band. (The overall title still goes to R.E.M. in my book, sorry guys.)
Lincoln.png This user's favorite album is Lincoln.
SV This user has rated the following songs.

CTB This user has contributed to these pages.

813EditEditor.jpg 813-edit contributor!

Over 5,500 edits :o
SHO This user has attended the following shows.

This user uses he/him pronouns.

FanClub12 45.png This user is a member of the Instant Fan Club.

Globe.png This user lives in
Orlando, FL.

This user wishes he lived in a State Songs state.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2001.

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

CraneCover.png This user's favorite EP is They'll Need A Crane .

I also have a soft spot for Back To Skull--"Mrs. Train" is among my favorite TMBG songs.
P&O This user's favorite TMBG colors are purple and orange. Isn't that something?!

INT This user has written the following song interpretations.

Why? This user has a beard but it won't impress you.

This user is 41 years old.

WP This user is also on Wikipedia.

Asheville 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Asheville.

This user is a member of the TMBW Discord.

GNM This user is proud to be an elusive WikiGnome. In other words, you won't see him tearing the wiki to pieces, or creating new pages left and right. His edits tend to be minor but often helpful.

EC This user is also on the Elvis Costello wiki under "BrilliantMistake". Since 2016, I've only edited one page on there aside from my userpage. shrug

eQh25aR.jpg uEWTtY7.jpeg
Hi, I'm Ed. I've been a big TMBG fan since the early 2000s, though I suspect I had tendencies to like them even as a young kid. Like so many others, I remember the Tiny Toons videos, but I honestly don't think I can claim solid fandom until signing up for the old Yahoo! music service called LAUNCHcast. Curiously, one of the first TMBG songs it played was "They Might Be Giants," and I remember thinking something like, "How cool must these guys be to name a song after themselves?" It didn't take long for me to realize that I "got" TMBG, and it's been gold from there.

I bought Flood and then Mink Car soon after that, as it was the most recent accessible release at the time. And the rest, as they say, is history. It also bears mentioning that I watched Clarissa Explains It All back in the day, and she had posters of the Johns and of Flood that I didn't notice or know about...until someone posted them on the tumblr. SO SUBLIMINAL!!!

In February 2015, I gave a presentation on TMBG as part of Nerd Nite Orlando. It got a very nice reception! You can see photo highlights and all of my PowerPoint slides here. The band has also acknowledged my talk on their tumblr page.

In May 2023, I got to be on the American TV quiz show Jeopardy! This was a lifelong goal of mine, and I finally achieved it! I even won a game, which means I get to call myself a Jeopardy! Champion for the rest of my life, huzzah! The show invited me back in January 2024, and I won another game. TMBG played no small part in helping me recall many little facts through the years, and while I can't say any of the clues I responded to on my episodes could be directly attributed to them, I am proud to call myself a simultaneous TMBG and J! fan. :-)

I've made it to five shows:

Among the first three shows, there were only 7 songs in common to all three (the big ones you'd expect). Some others were repeated at two of the three, but overall that means I've heard 69 unique songs! That is so cool. (Perhaps one day I'll do a similar analysis that includes the fourth and fifth shows.)

Other Pages[edit]

My contributions to TMBW taglines are compiled here.

I have a tumblr page under MisterMe83, which is the name I wish I had chosen when I started on this wiki. I don't post there much anymore. Through the years, many of my submissions to TMBG's tumblr page were accepted by the moderator, even before I started my own account. Here is a comprehensive list of all the things I contributed.

In 2019, I joined Instagram under @orlando_wordsmith. I don't post much about TMBG there since it's a very photo-driven site, and it's usually a long, long time between TMBG's Florida shows, but you might like to request to follow me for my unique perspective and sense of humor.