From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs related to space and the celestial bodies it contains.
Central theme
- All Alone - "Once upon a time they sent a rocket to the moon"
- A Shooting Star Is Not A Star
- Ballad Of Davy Crockett (In Outer Space)
- Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- Battle For The Planet Of They Might Be Giants
- Beneath The Planet Of The Apes
- Conquest Of The Planet Of The Apes
- Destination Moon
- Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
- For Science - "I would kiss the girl from Venus for science"
- How Many Planets?
- I'll Be Haunting You - "I'll be haunting you as you are staring into outer space"
- Mission Control
- Moonbeam Rays
- Moving To The Sun
- Nightgown Of The Sullen Moon
- Planet Of The Apes
- Return To The Planet Of The Apes
- Rocket Ship
- See The Constellation
- Space Krickets
- Space Jam
- Space Suit
- The Sun Is On Fire
- To The Bubblecraft
- Towson - the protagonist is from another planet
- Ultimate Battle For The Planet Of The Apes
- What Bothers The Spaceman?
- Why Does The Sun Shine?
- Why Does The Sun Really Shine?
Briefly mentioned
- '85 Radio Special Thank You - "Bill chipped a tooth skywriting far above the planet Earth"
- (She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future - "Alone in my wormhole"
- About Me - "You might be staring at the stars"
- Best Regrets- "Under a pitch-black moonless sky"
- Can't Keep Johnny Down - "Hitting golf balls on the moon"
- CATENAS MEAS AMISI - (transl.) "Stars in their courses"
- Celebration - "The moon beams strong on the open shelf"
- Complete Paranoia - "Messages written in heavenly bodies"
- D & W - "Half a moon"
- Dallas - "Tell the moon you've seen the serpent"
- Dimension Six Rock - "Let the sun shine in my friends"
- E Eats Everything - "E's eating on a spaceship"
- Everything Right Is Wrong (1984 Demo) - Features samples of Neil Armstrong's 'One Small Step' speech.
- Extra Krispy - "We're floating through space..."
- Fake-Believe (Type B) - "My space helmet's on" etc.
- Fibber Island - "Our friends live on Mars"
- Fun Assassin - "Lost in Space"
- Gigantor Intro - "Gigantor the space-age robot"
- The Guitar - "In the spaceship, the silver spaceship". The Outer Planet mixes feature samples of Neil Armstrong's 'One Small Step' speech and Nixon's call to Armstrong and Aldrin on the moon.
- Homunculus - "Your old star map"
- I Haven't Been Right Yet - "I said the force of 50 million suns"
- Infinity - "Race to the moon and back again"
- Iowa - "Silhouette on the moon"
- Last Wave - "A dance with a carcass in space"
- Lazy - "I long to be out in the sun"
- Let's Get This Over With - "All the while the planet circles 'round the Sun"
- Louisiana - "Although I'm glad that Louisiana is a place, so I don't have to spin in dark and empty space"
- Meet The Elements - "Stars are mostly hydrogen"
- Mr. Hughes Says - "Tell the alien and the chimp", "Tell the stars and tell the sky"
- The Neck Rolls Aren't Working - "Watching astronaut John Glenn, Glenn, splashing onto Earth again, -gain, while I'm still orbiting"
- Operators Are Standing By - "With a headset in outer space"
- Or So I Have Read - "If you swallowed up the planet / You would be a wiser man", "For now I know why skeletons / Are up in outer space", "Microscopic astronauts / Will land on your head"
- Photosynthesis - "Plants take in light from the sun"
- Pittsburgh - "Where we're falling into space"
- Pretty Fly - "Into the sky, into the moon"
- Ratcatcher Day - "Sun coming down on the traps", "Moon coming up in the sky"
- Science Is Real - "From The Big Bang to DNA", "From evolution to the Milky Way", "From astrophysics to biology"
- The Shadow Government - "Looked in the sky, saw with my eye: the moon was following me"
- She's An Angel - "I heard they had a space program"
- Stone Cold Coup D'État - "The stars got together and extinguished the moon and sun"
- Speed And Velocity - "Rocket ship / Into outer space"
- Super Cool - "I hide my face in hyperspace"
- Tele-Tele-Telephone - "Another shot in space"
- Tesla - "Here is a mind that can see across space"
- Twisting - "She's not your satellite"
- The World Before Later On - "Where's our space face?"
- You'll Miss Me - "You'll see my teeth in the stars above"
Honorable mention
- The Apollo 18 album cover
- By The Time You Get This - The video features a seemingly apocalyptic event that resembles a meteor falling from the sky.
- The video for The Statue Got Me High
- Video for Z Y X takes place in space.