
From This Might Be A Wiki
YouTube upload of the song
Michael Hearst with John Linnell during the recording of the song

song name Tele-Tele-Telephone
artist John Linnell & Michael Hearst
releases 80 from the 80s
year 2024
run time 2:29
sung by John Linnell


  • This track is a cover of the 1978 song by Wazmo Nariz. It was recorded as part of a project called 80 from the 80s by musician Michael Hearst, who asked 80 friends to each sing a cover of a 1980s song of their choice.
  • According to Michael Hearst, when Linnell was asked which song he would like to cover from the '80s, he replied:[1]
I’m thinking about this Wazmo Nariz song "Tele Tele Telephone." This was the song that launched new wave music into my consciousness. Everybody had their own experience but I still think of this as the iconic, platonic form of new wave. The song is from the late seventies, does that count?
  • Hearst thanked Nariz himself for helping with this cover by clarifying lyrics that he and Linnell were unable to decipher themselves.

Song Themes

Body Parts, Loneliness, Nonsense Words, Onomatopoeia, Sadness, Space, Telecommunication, Television, TMBG Remakes


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Tele-Tele-Telephone is currently ranked #867 out of 1028. (14 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.30)