Escape From The Planet Of The Apes
From This Might Be A Wiki
song name | Escape from the Planet of the Apes |
artist | They Might Be Giants |
releases | Severe Tire Damage, TMBG Clock Radio |
year | 1998 |
first played | October 23, 1997 (2 known performances) |
run time | 1:08 |
sung by | John Flansburgh |
- One of seven spontaneous live compositions based on/inspired by the Planet of the Apes movie series. In this one, Flansburgh wisely cautions us that we had better escape before we explode.
- The version used on the album was recorded November 6, 1997.
- The first performance of this song was very different from the one on Severe Tire Damage. The music in the original version was similar to the movie's opening theme. John Flansburgh ultimately aborted the performance, stating they'd come back to it later. The original version was never played again.
Song Themes
Animals, Bad English, Escape, Falsetto, I've Got A, Movies, Planet Of The Apes, Recycled Material, References To Other Songs Or Musicians, Space
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