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Revision as of 15:49, 3 April 2023 by Jimmyzenshins311 (talk | contribs) (I broke my own rule review)

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Welcome to the Jimmy Zenshins 311 page[edit]

Hi fools. I am a cool guy who has fairly good teeth.

The point i'm trying to make is-- Hi there, I am a tally hall fan and a electronic music fan (graham kartna and other such) along with being the guy who asked John Flansburgh on Tumblr about Klaatu.


  1. They Might Be Giants
  2. Tally Hall
  3. Klaatu
  4. other stuff (Jack Stauber, Weird Al, Graham Kartna)

Speaking of Weird al, I went to a weird al concert back in 2022, which seems to be after the hiatus I took on my page. Cool. Fun. neat.

WARNING! This page is LONG

Brontosaurus extended (with AI)[edit]

I used InferKit to extend out Lyrics:Brontosaurus

How much have you changed

I'd give anything to see you when you were

Less of a brontosaurus

Brontosaurus, brontosaurus

Taller bones to the window

And a hair longer

But you're a dinosaur

A brontosaurus

Of a year ago

They still celebrate your birthday

But on that day you won't be around

You'll probably die of a heart attack

You're more fragile than I was led to believe

So let's wrap it up

It's been a hell of a ride

And though I've left you

Life is even more brutal than it was

Until one day when the pain is gone

And the burden lifts

So why haven't you simply walked away?

Why do you keep trying?

Why do you believe in yourself?

Brontosaurus, brontosaurus

It is the greatest mystery of all

Brontosaurus, brontosaurus

I feel like a first-time father

In the middle of the night

Expecting someone to appear with a bottle of warm milk

Something warm and cozy

Instead of some ulterior motive

Something tender

I broke my own rule review[edit]

Book Reviews part 3: I broke my own rule (this one seems to be popular)

TMBW Userboxes
skin This user uses Yuletide.

HRW This user is also on
Homestar Runner Wiki.

Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Super Cool.

Flans45 2.jpg This user's favorite John is John Flansburgh.

Albany 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Albany.

Trumpet 45.jpg This user plays trumpet.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2007.

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: But how will I know Trick or Treat

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: HaND WiTCH! (flans backup noises)

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: They devised a plan, they would melt a man

17 3/4
This user is 17 3/4 years old.

WEB This user has a website.

Book rankings[edit]

Zeroth Impressions (not included for some singles)

1. Synopsis for Latecomers- 10/10 Sarcastic recap of the last few years, Quarantine and such, a la Purple Toupee Sung by Linnell (even better than that, man)

2. If Day For Winnipeg- 10/10 Linnell Song about If Day, lots of wordplay, like pencil rain

3. Less than One- 10/10 Linnell song about chances of something or something

4. Super Cool- 10/10 (Zeroth Impression not Available)

5. Part of You wants to believe me -9/10 Linnell song about a jerky boyfriend again (i was right, sort of)

6. I Can't Remember the Dream-9/10 (Zeroth Impression not Available)

7. I Broke My Own Rule-9/10 (Zeroth Impression not Available)

8. Quit the Circus-8/10 Sequel to Drown the Clown, possibly a rock rebel song by Flans

9. Drown The Clown-8/10 Sung by Linnell, about Drowning a Clown

10. Brontosaurus -8/10 A song about a dinosaur, maybe Linnell? Bones and xylophone stuff?

11. Moonbeam Rays- 8/10 A poignant song about the moon, maybe a bit paranoid, sung by Flansburgh in a soft voice

12. I Lost Thursday- 8/10 (Zeroth Impression not Available)

13. Lord Snowdon- 8/10 Might be a Flansburgh, all about Edward Snowden, maybe? Russian sounding? (wrong snowdon, not even snowdon, that was snowden who I thought this song was about)

14. Darling the Dose- 7/10 Lie Still Little Bottle/Hope that I get old before I die sequel sung by Flans (man I wish)

15. Wait Actually Yeah No- 7/10 Flans or Linnell or Both, a lot of contradictory wordplay, "lilting horns" (this means I was wrong about Synopsis having lilting horns in my shorts review, I do not care though)

16. And the Trains Go Right By- 8/10 Like Almost The New England of Storytime with Big Bird, I found this one to be more imaginative and trippy than the typical Dr. Flans song

17. Just The Truth- 7/10 (Zeroth Impression not Available)

18. The Cocteau Twins- 7/10 (with John Flans and John Linnell, mmm?)

19. No Fish- 7/10 Again, Linnell. I kind of like that he has a little singing part on this

TMBG OBSCURITIES (for some people at least) Wow, it's crazy, I inspired a trend on this wiki of TMBG Obscurities!! Thanks, this awesome fellow fan and some other cool fan for sharing your favorite obscure TMBG Songs as well, I would add I Haven't Been Right Yet but I forgot that song, so... I added it

and many more

I made this in my halloween parody of What If...? this year
The best possible screenshot in existence


Fun Facts[edit]

I like Podcast 44 and listen to it often

I preordered BOOK with the book

and I have been a fan since I was very young

A pretty funny little thing I made: Yo Lmao

One of these days I will write interps for each Flood Song

Does anyone else think the "Man it's so loud in here"s in Man, It's So Loud In Here sounds so satisfying?

That and the "MONSTERS OF MUD" made in the "digital trash compactor" in Monsters Of Mud sound so satisfying as well?

Like, so weirdly good in a way

I want to be John Linnell in Birdhouse In Your Soul for Halloween this year

battle of the bands

Man, I really wish this was available in a men's size

Jimmyzenshins311's Collection
BOOKFactory ShowroomFloodGigantic (A Tale Of Two Johns)John HenryMink CarSevere Tire DamageThe SpineThen: The Earlier YearsThey Might Be Giants Vs. McSweeney's

Link=They Got Lost

The truth is, I don't really have They got lost, my mom just made a mixtape of songs from this album and Long Tall Weekend

This is the tracklist, the CD is called

Great TMBG Songs[edit]

--⇂⇂↋ suᴉɥsuǝZ ʎɯɯᴉᒋ (talk) (talk) (talk) (talk)

Favorite Spooky songs from each Album[edit]

the lyric fragment might be the book cover

got this idea from User:Theforklord, with an added bonus, Which Song is the Best SPOOKY one? the one that is in SCAREOVISION..... BOO!(K) will be replaced on NOVEMBER 12th.

  • They Might Be Giants- Chess Piece Face
  • Lincoln- Where Your Eyes Don't Go (my favorite is really Shoehorn, but this is the spookiest)
  • Flood- Hearing Aid
  • Apollo 18- Hall of Heads
  • John Henry- Sleeping In The Flowers (Because they are dead)
  • Factory Showroom- Exquisite Dead Guy
  • Long Tall Weekend- Dark and Metric
  • Mink Car- I've Got a Fang
  • No!- Robot Parade (Adult Version)
  • Spine- Broke in Two
  • Here Come the ABCs- BECOME A ROBOT (not on there, but still)
  • The Else- Contrecoup (i know the dark songs are spookier, but i adore this song)
  • Here come the 123s- I never go to work
  • Here comes Science- eletric Car (demo from Podcast 44)
  • Join Us- 2082
  • Nanobots- Darlings of Lumberland
  • Glean- End of the rope
  • Why?- Thinking Machine or Hello Mrs. Wheelyke
  • Phone Power- ECNALUBMA
  • I like Fun- When the Lights Come on, the greatest or Last Wave, but in the end, By The Time You Get This is the scariest
  • My Murdered Remains- Dog or I haven't been right Yet
  • Escape Team- Burnice
  • BOOK- Synopsis For Latecomers


they put the wrong picture for
can't keep johnny down
they meant to put it for
just saying
P.S., this is what the sandbox is for, right?
bruhyou sussy

good, there we GO

BIG TEXT king weed king weed king weed king weed king weed

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THEY DAY[edit]

They Day that Marvin Gaye and Phil Ochs wrote the word "they" on their prosthetic foreheads on their real heads

williamallenwhite.gif williamallenwhite.png williamallenwhiteflans.gif williamallenwhitelinnell.gif williamallenwhitethey.gif

Album Rankings[edit]

Keep in mind, Joel can't control--- I mean, Apollo 18 is not bad, I love Apollo 18, however, I did not grow up listening to it like how I did the entire discography from 1986-2004 (plus some assorted iTunes songs my mom liked in 2011 or so and put on a CD)

  1. Flood (1990)
  2. The Spine (2004)
  3. John Henry (1994)
  4. Lincoln (1988)
  5. Escape Team (2018)
  6. Phone Power (2016)
  7. Apollo 18 (1992)
  8. No! (2002)
  9. Severe Tire Damage (1998)- Doctor Worm reasons
  10. My Murdered Remains (2018 also)
  11. Glean (2015)
  12. Nanobots (2013)
  13. BOOK (2021)
  14. Why? (2015)
  15. I Like Fun (2018)
  16. Mink Car (2001)
  17. They Might Be Giants (1996)
  18. The Else (2007)
  19. Factory Showroom (1996)
  20. Join Us (2011)
  21. Long Tall Weekend (1999)

I don't really want to rank the kid's albums (besides No! and Why?), since I don't count those as major studio releases, also, it would take more time. Also, that opinion was referenced in an interview in 2021 or 2022, makes me wonder, did they see my page or is that an older opinion (older. it's an older opinion.

Also, coming maybe never on here is a list of my favorite TMBG EPs.

Sleep Extended (with AI)[edit]

Using up another couple thousand characters for my free trial, I managed to generate another extension. Each (ahh) Time (ahh) I (ahh) Sleep (ahh) I'm (ahh) Sad (ahh) I (ahh) Will be replaced by somebody else

In the morning Exactly like me Going around, drinking all my drinks Kissing my wife Thinking what I think Making me resentful but

Each Time I Get up in the morning I'm glad I Took Someone else's place

Been wondering




I'd like to be someone else

Feel my smile

On you

Under the same sun

Each time I see

You you're

Havin' an affair

Tell me again

Who I am I would love to be somebody else

When I get up in the morning

I'd like to be someone else

Feel my smile

On you

Under the same sun

Each time I see you you're having an affair

Tell me again

Who I am I would love to be somebody else

When I get up in the morning

If I could only learn to take your place

Could I be who I could be for you.


If I could only take your place

Could I be who I could be for you.


If I could only take your place

Could I be who I could be for you.

When I get up in the morning

If I could only take your place

Could I be who I could be for you.


I'd rather be someone else

(someone else)

Feel my smile

On you

Under the same sun

Each time I see you you're having an affair

The Albums of the future (prophesied by AI)[edit]

ok, this one is hilarious, I guess they get starved for ideas and rename BOOK in the next year (yes, I know I shouldn't have had the selection on the end of book, but it fits) [Starting on the changed things] 2021 BOOK OF THE DEAD

2022 Star Wars Episode VII: REVENGE OF THE SITH

2024 Spore

2025 Quarantine

2026 Repo Animals

2027 New Year’s Day

2028 The Qwaser of Brak

2029 King

2111 2228 2293 2240

2228 2293 2240 Tracklist[edit]

I accidentally pressed enter and modified less than one, now it's somehow shorter

It is a bonus nugget 15 Less Than One Imaginary Thing 2:31

anyways, here's the tracklist

1. Know What You Want And Come Too Part 1 2:25

2. Still Not Rushing Out Of The House 2:36

3. What A Fashion Show 2:23

4. First Day 2:46

5. Welcome 2:43

6. Happy Wait Or How Are You 3:10

7. What A Super Disco Song 2:31

8. Cat In The Hat 2:40

9. I Found A Replacement For Friday Part 1 2:50

10. Disco Blues 2:47

11. I Saw A Spell 2:32

12. Talk To You Tonight Part 1 2:54

13. The Monster And The Kid 2:35

14. Like A Lover Part 1 2:17

15. Baby, You're The Man Part 1 2:40

16. I'll Be A Fool Part 1 2:11

17. Things I Used To Do Part 1 2:43

18. Kicks In The Butt Part 1 2:11

19. Life Is So Strange Part 1 2:52

20. Most Likely To Know 5:50

so many part 1s, i bet the next album would be all the part 2s

Birdhouse extended by AI[edit]

Ooh, Mr. Footman, I got blue canary's real name

I went to the Yellow Pages

Found the phone book

Stretched out my little finger

And said Blue canary's real name


From the sound of it

It's already been made clear

I think we ought to call him Abe Lincoln

And since we're going to let him

The job of president

Let's make a big log cabin and feed him the finest diet

A spotless, smoke-free home

Real sugar

Big fat bales of hay

And then let him make a good fist

Of governing

Sure, as you said, he's as dumb as dirt

But who wants to be president of the dumbest country in the world?

It's already been made clear

Blue canary's real name is Abe Lincoln

And if you call the NSA at White House Headquarters

The NSA's going to pull Abe Lincoln's plug

If you've got a kid who's a little high strung

Blue canary's real name is Abe Lincoln

So now you know my name

But it's still a secret

Blue canary's name is Abe Lincoln

I hope this song is giving you a good idea of the kind of song I'm going to do, because I don't want you to be confused. It's a song about the canary. This song is about a song. It's about a song called Blue Canary. I said it before, but it's true, it's hard to say what my next album's going to sound like. I just feel like, at this point, I've got about three more to go. It could be like writing poetry, you know, really disciplined and trying to figure out what's best to do next. It's like, you go, "Well, this is a good one. I'll do this one instead," but then you keep being a little embarrassed that you haven't done this one yet. There are some that I wish I had done, but there are some that I don't. It's like going to the gym, like exercising, where you keep thinking about the exercise you wish you had done more of. It's that kind of thing.

So what I think, in order for this next album to be the best possible version of it, and the best possible, if I had to describe it that way, is this: I want to have songs that are as musical as possible. I want the most musical stuff in there, or the closest thing to it, that I can get, and I want to have songs that are as technical as possible, technically, because I think that there's an even greater depth of expression that you can express with a technical skill, rather than with a musical skill. I think there's more that can be done with the type of song you could do with a live band, as opposed to what could be done by a drum machine. I want a kind of technical song that I think could make you cry, but, man, it's a hard kind of song to do. I think there's so much more to it. I think this might be a really good example of what I'm talking about, and I also feel that this is a song that you can't even use the word "technical" to describe it, because the musicians that you could play that song with and they couldn't be more technically unqualified, it would be impossible.