Talk:The Spine Surfs Alone (Album)

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No Answer?[edit]

Is No Answer a contender for this compilation? HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸 15:49, 14 September 2024 (EDT)

It could be! I'm not certain about it though, depends on what kind of rarities are going to be on the album. If its a situation where they're literally trying to put a bunch of stuff on vinyl that isn't already, then I could see some old 2000s Dial-A-Song tracks like No Answer on there. It is supposedly 20 tracks after all. --Robot Parade (talk) 18:28, 15 September 2024 (EDT)
I really don't see TMBG putting a phone-quality recording on this. I'm hoping for Tumbleweed or maybe even What Is Everyone Staring At? TitanicFog (talk) 19:59, 15 September 2024 (EDT)

Hypothetical Track List[edit]

This made me think of what the tracklist actually could be. Here's my hypothesis.

  1. All of The Spine Surfs Alone - Obviously
  2. Caroline, No - I don't see a world where it's not included. The only Other Thing song not included in that original EP digital release. Has to be on there.
  3. Santa Claus - This and Feast Of Lights are the two Holidayland songs I see as most likely on the album. O Tannenbaum is a little too old for it to make it onto the record imo.
  4. Feast Of Lights
  5. King Weed - The best Brave New World song not included on another release. It should be on the record. Whether or not it will, I think it has a good chance.
  6. Monsters Of Mud - This one I think is a given. Recently put out through IFC downloads and just a pretty good track.
  7. Clowntown
  8. All 4 tracks off of Bed, Bed, Bed - These songs have barely been released anywhere else. They have to be on there.

I could very well see a world where one side is the rarities and b-sides from their adult catalogue and the other is several tracks from their children's releases. I'm iffy on what, if anything, from TMBG Unlimited gets included. There's such a wealth of content that my best guess is that some of the stuff they've released through 2024 IFC could be on there, like Ram On.

Songs I don't see on the record[edit]
  • Working Undercover For The Man (EP) - Most of these tracks are on They Got Lost which I hope will just get its own vinyl release. I don't see the point in using space for those songs when they're already on their own compilation record. And Radio TMBG would be a waste of space.
  • Dan Vs. Cog and Cut The Strings - I know they'd want to physically release the BNW tracks, but I don't see their place on the record. Maaaybe Dan Vs. Cog, but hopefully not Cut The Strings
  • O Tannenbaum - See above
  • Venue Songs - This will (hopefully) just get its own vinyl release. Don't have a whole side of a rarities album dedicated to ANOTHER album. --Robot Parade (talk) 18:28, 15 September 2024 (EDT)