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Fan Rarities Bootlegs[edit]
These are designed by fans to be distributed among fans and collectors.
- Bill Krauss Demos - A compilation of earlier demos (1984-88), mostly from demo tapes.
- Dial-A-Song - Fan compilation mostly consisting of recordings from Dial-A-Song.
- The Few Surviving Samurai - 90s B-side and rare songs compilation.
- Free When You Call From Work - Another Dial-A-Song cassette bootleg that apparently came out after Power Of Dial-A-Song, but before Power Of Dial-A-Song II: More Power To You.
- Gunnar And Matthew's Giant Adventure - A "common" rarities compilation collecting Dial-A-Song demos, 90s B-sides, the State Songs (EP), and some other stuff.
- It May Be A Bootleg - Rarities compilation. The origins of the live tracks are unknown.
- Leaked 1999 Studio Tape - A collection of demos, home recordings, wax cylinder recordings, and a few ads compiled by an audio engineer in 1999.
- The Low Fidelity Experience - A 1996 compilation of various rare tracks, including the only known recordings from the first online Dial-A-Song service.
- Power Of Dial-A-Song - The legendary Power Of Dial-A-Song bootleg. Features many demos and rough songs.
- Power Of Dial-A-Song II: More Power To You - This is the sequel to Power Of Dial-A-Song.
- Rummage Sale - Collection compiling rarities, 90s B-sides, a couple of live tracks, and several songs from Then: The Earlier Years.
- Stumpbox - The Stumpbox bootlegs consist entirely (or at least mostly) of covers TMBG made.
- Stumpbox Speak My Thoughts - This is the sequel to Stumpbox.
- Stumpbox III The Ceaseless Screaming - The next in a series of collected covers, made by a different fan than the first two.
- Superfueled Freaksickle - The lost Elektra b-sides compilation that was officially announced and never (officially) released. This would have been a sequel to Miscellaneous T.
- Times A Million More - A bootleg approximation of material from the 90s, like the "Superfueled Freaksickle" compilation, plus Dial-A-Song and John Linnell's State Songs (EP) tracks.
- TMBG Unlimited Smarch - The TMBG Unlimited fake month bootleg, containing various demos, rare tracks, and live false starts.
- Web-A-Song - Contrary to the title, this is a rarities compilation bootleg.
- Working Undercover For The Man - A bootleg compilation of the Working Undercover For The Man (EP), songs exclusive to The Guitar (EP), a couple State Songs, a couple live recordings, and songs that aren't even TMBG, to begin with.
Live Bootlegs[edit]
- Dr. Spock's Back-Up Band (1992-06-27) - A live CD bootleg released in Germany from 1993.
- The Frank O'Toole Show (1987-03-04/1987-09-16) - The legendary TMBG radio show recording from 1987 consisting of over a dozen still officially unreleased Dial-A-Song and studio demos, as well as interviews and some live performances of songs from that era.
- 1996 Concert Season Promotional Tape (1995-03-24) - Bootleg cassette of a 1995 abridged soundboard recording aired on WEBR.
- Then And Now (1997-04-29/30) - Bootleg mixing two 1997 live shows with drum machine (first half) and then band (second half).
Pages in category "Bootlegs"
The following 25 pages are in this category, out of 25 total.