All Ratings by Apfelbitsliam
From This Might Be A Wiki
(She Was A) Hotel Detective In The Future | 8 |
Absolutely Bill's Mood | 10 |
Ana Ng | 9 |
Ana Ng (Demo) | 10 |
Ant | 10 |
Ant (Dial-A-Song) | 10 |
A Self Called Nowhere | 7 |
Backstabbing Liar | 9 |
Bastard Wants To Hit Me | 10 |
Birdhouse In Your Soul | 10 |
Boat Of Car | 9 |
Boss Of Me (Original Edit) | 9 |
Caroline, No | 2 |
Chess Piece Face | 10 |
Contrecoup (Demo) | 8 |
Cowtown | 10 |
Cyclops Rock (Edit) | 7 |
Damn Good Times | 8 |
Dead | 10 |
Destination Moon | 10 |
Dinner Bell | 8 |
Doctor Worm | 8 |
Don't Let's Start | 10 |
Drink! | 10 |
Experimental Film | 6 |
Exquisite Dead Guy | 10 |
Fingertips | 8 |
Hey, Mr. DJ, I Thought You Said We Had A Deal | 10 |
Hide Away Folk Family | 10 |
Hopeless Bleak Despair | 10 |
Hot Cha | 9 |
Hovering Sombrero | 10 |
I'm Def | 10 |
I'm Impressed | 9 |
If I Wasn't Shy | 6 |
Indian Ocean | 10 |
In The Middle, In The Middle, In The Middle | 2 |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) | 1 |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (Dial-A-Song) | 7 |
It's Not My Birthday | 10 |
It's Not My Birthday (Lincoln Demo) | 9 |
I Should Be Allowed To Think | 9 |
James K. Polk (Original Version) | 10 |
Kings Of The Cave | 8 |
Kiss Me, Son Of God | 10 |
Mainstream U.S.A. | 10 |
Mammal | 10 |
Man, It's So Loud In Here | 10 |
Meet James Ensor | 6 |
Memo To Human Resources | 10 |
Metal Detector | 10 |
Miniature Sidewalk Whirlwind | 10 |
Mr. Me | 10 |
Mr. Me (Other Thing) | 8 |
Mr. Xcitement | 10 |
My Man | 10 |
New York City | 2 |
Night Security | 1 |
Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes | 10 |
Now That I Have Everything | 8 |
No Answer | 10 |
No One Knows My Plan | 10 |
Number Three | 10 |
O, Do Not Forsake Me | 1 |
Pencil Rain | 10 |
Piece Of Dirt | 10 |
Prevenge | 10 |
Put Your Hand Inside The Puppet Head | 10 |
Q U | 9 |
Renew My Subscription | 6 |
Rhythm Section Want Ad | 10 |
Santa's Beard | 1 |
See The Constellation | 10 |
She's An Angel | 10 |
Sketchy Galore | 5 |
Sleeping In The Flowers | 1 |
Sleepwalkers | 10 |
Snowball In Hell | 10 |
Somebody's Body | 9 |
South Carolina | 10 |
Space Krickets | 10 |
Spider | 10 |
Spiraling Shape | 10 |
Stand On Your Own Head | 10 |
Stomp Box | 10 |
Stormy Pinkness | 10 |
They'll Need A Crane | 10 |
They Might Be Giants (Song) | 10 |
The Cap'm | 8 |
The Day | 10 |
The End Of The Tour | 10 |
The Mesopotamians | 8 |
The Songs Of The 50 States | 7 |
The Statue Got Me High | 10 |
The World Before Later On | 1 |
Thunderbird | 10 |
Tiny Doctors | 10 |
Turn Around | 10 |
Twisting | 10 |
Unsupervised, I Hit My Head | 9 |
We're The Replacements | 8 |
Wearing A Raincoat | 10 |
We Live In A Dump | 8 |
We Live In A Dump (Demo) | 10 |
We Want A Rock | 10 |
Where Your Eyes Don't Go | 10 |
Which Describes How You're Feeling | 10 |
Why Did You Grow A Beard? | 7 |
Yeah, The Deranged Millionaire | 1 |
Yeh Yeh | 1 |
You'll Miss Me | 10 |
Your Mom's Alright | 10 |
Youth Culture Killed My Dog | 10 |