
From This Might Be A Wiki

I enjoy the TMBG Are OK tumblr page. I've been submitting things to it since 2013, and many of those submissions have been accepted and posted. This is a pretty big thrill for a fan, wouldn't you agree? Below, you can find each of the submissions.

  1. Facebook discussion of Dead lyrics (here)
  2. Fun in the CD section of a local library (here)
  3. Successfully getting I(NC) played at a wedding (here)
  4. A simple clipart rendering of The Day (here)
  5. Regarding a Tesla quote by NOVA on Facebook (here)
  6. An original meme-tastic Doctor Worm-inspired image (here)
  7. A webcomic that references the Dial-A-Song number (here)
  8. How JL could look during Halloween concerts (here)
  9. Flansburgh/Edinburgh light shot (here)
  10. A response to my question about the origins of Lie Still, Little Bottle and comparing it to an XTC song (here)
  11. A webcomic about tilting at wind turbines because, you know, they might be... (here)
  12. The Google Searches of Destiny (here)
  13. How bad is Oregon? Find out (here)
  14. An article in National Geographic that reminded me of My Man (here)
  15. Commenting on a Tom Waits quote about accordions, which has gotten a nice response from the TMBG Are OK crowd (here)
  16. An unanswered query about The Bells Are Ringing (here)
  17. The World's Address, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson on the show Cosmos (here)
  18. Using Puppet Head lyrics to describe Dilbert's boss (here)
  19. A sketch with accordion, guitar, and...math? (here)
  20. Pink as a question at a pub trivia event (here)
  21. Brace yourselves, Idlewild is a meme (here)
  22. Jeopardy! used the category State Songs recently...but, sadly, it had no clues referring to the states from the album (here and here - though I didn't post it twice)
  23. TMBG in a Mario game? (here)
  24. Orson Bean, right on! (here)
  25. Showing off my Idlewild-style T-shirt, notable for several reasons: this was my first post from my own tumblr, and it also got posted to TMBG's Facebook page! (Links: tumblr & Facebook)
  26. A question regarding the 20th anniversary of John Henry (here)
  27. TMBSFG? (here)
  28. This fun collage with the non-kids' studio albums (here and here - I guess they really liked this one)
  29. TMBG wants me dead (here)
  30. The Replacements' star at the First Avenue Stage, inspired by an earlier tumblr photo of the Giants' star (here)
  31. Lincoln takes pride of place in this watercolor album collage I painted (here)
  32. Wondering if the guys had ever heard their music in public (here)
  33. My daily Jeopardy! calendar had an accordion clue (here)
  34. Your Half, my Paint Nite painting...which unfortunately ended up sideways in the tumblr (here)
  35. Flans' response to my question about the pacing of their shows (here)
  36. Jury duty inquiry (here), which led to the posting of a fantastic write-up on the topic by JL from 1999.
  37. A humorous 18th century poster and the lyrics of South Carolina come together in an unlikely way (here)
  38. Baseball, TMBG, and Lorde? Yes, it's true (here)
  39. A webcomic which bears a striking resemblance to the lyrics for Where Your Eyes Don't Go (here)
  40. Modified caduceus, which got a nice reception :-) (here)
  41. Doodle based on the lyrics of Don't Let's Start (here)
  42. There was a clue on Jeopardy! about "The Lady, or the Tiger?", so I naturally made the connection (here)
  43. Nature's red in woof and in claw (here)
  44. Celebrating Brooklyn as a tourist (here)
  45. I got to see The Egg in all its glory! (here)
  46. Tesla's deathplace, from my bus tour of NYC (here)
  47. Memories of the old (here)
  48. The challenge of remembering to forget (here)
  49. Triangle Man hates Particle Man, even in this webcomic (here)
  50. Can I really acknowledge that I lost my mind without undermining the whole argument in the first place? (here)
  51. TMBG and Captain Beefheart (here)
  52. A webcomic that reminded me of Your Racist Friend - this was quite the hit! (here)
  53. That time when Icky was the Words with Friends Word of the Day (here)
  54. Insect hotels or hospitals? (here)
  55. A doodle I did based on Madam, I Challenge You To A Duel (here)
  56. Flans himself wished me good luck on my Nerd Nite presentation about the band! (here)
  57. A doodle inspired by Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2 (here)
  58. I posted a shot from the talk I gave on TMBG (here)
  59. The DVD of The Kid Stays in the Picture has a cover image remarkably reminiscent of JF, who also stays in the picture (here)
  60. My TMBG doodle at the sandwich chain Which Wich (here)
  61. Words With Friends won't let you use the word Prevenge (here)
  62. A webcomic that references Mammal (here)
  63. Something wholly unpronounceable (here)
  64. Turkish delight on a moonlit night (here)
  65. A webcomic that may or may not have been inspired by "Madam/Duel" (here)
  66. Trivia Crack references TMBG, albeit slyly (here)
  67. Linnell playing Asteroids, though sadly the band didn't answer my actual question (here)
  68. A Glean reference on Jeopardy!...well, no, but I thought the band might appreciate Alex Trebek's disappointment in how rare of a word "glean" is, since none of the contestants responded correctly. The band has posted this to tumblr numerous times through the years. (Here's one from February 2023.)
  69. Walking "matchstick men" that reminded me of the lyrics to Nanobots (here)
  70. My new TMBG magnet based on a pin purchased from Selfcallednowhere (here)
  71. Asking JF how the guys deal with a cold while on tour - neat response! (here)
  72. Bills, Bills, Bills was actually a response on Jeopardy!, and I think I only knew it because of TMBG... (here)
  73. I am a dog walker (here)
  74. They Might Be Flyants (still from the video for Rock Club) (here)
  75. A crane that needs a crane that needs a crane that...... (here)
  76. I bought an old board game called Red Letter and was able to play "Flansy" (here)
  77. Souvenir pens from my home state for the guys (here)
  78. Was someone on Taco Bell's marketing team a fan of some Nanobots songs? Hmm... (here)
  79. Now who knows what that spells? (here)
  80. Another webcomic about windmills and giants (here)
  81. TMBG on Jeopardy! yet again! (here)
  82. A story about The Verve Pipe moving toward a TMBG-like method of releasing music - which got a really nice response from TVP themselves! (here)
  83. Autographs: Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips vs. John Linnell of TMBG (here)
  84. Michigan on the brain (here)
  85. Dial-A-Song? Diagonals? Hmm... (here)
  86. A definition of bad (here)
  87. This car was actual size (here)
  88. I sent in a heartfelt ode to Dial-A-Song 2015 - check it out! (here)
  89. Getting the important questions answered about Spy (here)
  90. A word puzzle I made on the WordBrain mobile app (here)
  91. A shopping area in Orlando is known as Coytown, named after Coy Jamerson Sr.[1], a developer in the 1950s. The name's similarity to Cowtown inspired this post (here)
  92. Accordions, puns, and apparently, chickens (here)
  93. From the animated film Zootopia, a sloth unwittingly quotes Snowball In Hell...or something (here)
  94. An X-Files-related pun with a hovering sombrero (here)
  95. Just a few weeks away from the Orlando show! (here)
  96. A cool blue-toned shot I got at the Orlando show (here)
  97. Screenshot of the Futurama mobile app level that evokes Destination Moon (here)
  98. Altered TMBG window decal (here)
  99. Seeing "For Science" at the end of any program on the Science Channel (here)
  100. Though it's not strictly TMBG-related, this Final Jeopardy! clue immediately made me think of Ana Ng (here)
  101. A commercial with tall hats that reminded me of the TMBG fezzes (here)
  102. Do song plays on Spotify profit the band? Read Flansburgh's hilarious response! (here)
  103. That time when I visited Xenia, Ohio, solely because of the line in Out Of Jail (here)
  104. A webcomic that seemed eerily reminiscent of Where Your Eyes Don't Go (here)
  105. Amusing consecutive songs on the TMBG app (here)
  106. Souvenir at MASS MoCA that may or may not be inspired by Apollo 18 (here)
  107. Did Pres. Trump sell his mind to the Kremlin? Hmm... (here)
  108. Comparison between Peter Murphy and John Linnell poses (here)
  109. Looking forward to the 2018 Orlando show (here)
  110. A photo from the 2018 Orlando show (here)
  111. Conan screengrab while the video was on mute (here)
  112. I created the album cover for Me Gusta La Diversión by Podrían ser gigantes (aquí)
  113. A cool answer to my question about one of my all-time favorite goof tracks, the '85 Radio Special Thank You (here)
  114. TMBG don't make good tourists (here)
  115. Celebrating that time when TMBG used a screenshot of my review of the 2018 Orlando show in a promotional e-mail about this very Wiki :-) (here)
  116. I made an Ayn Rand sandwich (here)
  117. Neat response for a question about Careful What You Pack (here)
  118. Don't Let's Start lyrics depicted on the web app that made part of the Erase video (here)
  119. Rabid Child reference in NE Nevada (here)
  120. Imagine my surprise when I came across a small community named "Linnell Camp" in central California. I had to go get a picture (here)
  121. Flans re: The World Before Later On in 2022 (here)
  122. Playing a virtual board game, I noticed the site's staff put an associated playlist together that included a TMBG song (here)
  123. Whole Lot Of Glean gif submitted...I always loved this song (here)
  124. Shot of the band performing in Orlando, as seen through one of the wrought iron fixtures in the venue (here)