From This Might Be A Wiki
I enjoy the TMBG Are OK tumblr page. I've been submitting things to it since 2013, and many of those submissions have been accepted and posted. This is a pretty big thrill for a fan, wouldn't you agree? Below, you can find each of the submissions.
- Facebook discussion of Dead lyrics (here)
- Fun in the CD section of a local library (here)
- Successfully getting I(NC) played at a wedding (here)
- A simple clipart rendering of The Day (here)
- Regarding a Tesla quote by NOVA on Facebook (here)
- An original meme-tastic Doctor Worm-inspired image (here)
- A webcomic that references the Dial-A-Song number (here)
- How JL could look during Halloween concerts (here)
- Flansburgh/Edinburgh light shot (here)
- A response to my question about the origins of Lie Still, Little Bottle and comparing it to an XTC song (here)
- A webcomic about tilting at wind turbines because, you know, they might be... (here)
- The Google Searches of Destiny (here)
- How bad is Oregon? Find out (here)
- An article in National Geographic that reminded me of My Man (here)
- Commenting on a Tom Waits quote about accordions, which has gotten a nice response from the TMBG Are OK crowd (here)
- An unanswered query about The Bells Are Ringing (here)
- The World's Address, according to Neil deGrasse Tyson on the show Cosmos (here)
- Using Puppet Head lyrics to describe Dilbert's boss (here)
- A sketch with accordion, guitar, and...math? (here)
- Pink as a question at a pub trivia event (here)
- Brace yourselves, Idlewild is a meme (here)
- Jeopardy! used the category State Songs recently...but, sadly, it had no clues referring to the states from the album (here and here - though I didn't post it twice)
- TMBG in a Mario game? (here)
- Orson Bean, right on! (here)
- Showing off my Idlewild-style T-shirt, notable for several reasons: this was my first post from my own tumblr, and it also got posted to TMBG's Facebook page! (Links: tumblr & Facebook)
- A question regarding the 20th anniversary of John Henry (here)
- TMBSFG? (here)
- This fun collage with the non-kids' studio albums (here and here - I guess they really liked this one)
- TMBG wants me dead (here)
- The Replacements' star at the First Avenue Stage, inspired by an earlier tumblr photo of the Giants' star (here)
- Lincoln takes pride of place in this watercolor album collage I painted (here)
- Wondering if the guys had ever heard their music in public (here)
- My daily Jeopardy! calendar had an accordion clue (here)
- Your Half, my Paint Nite painting...which unfortunately ended up sideways in the tumblr (here)
- Flans' response to my question about the pacing of their shows (here)
- Jury duty inquiry (here), which led to the posting of a fantastic write-up on the topic by JL from 1999.
- A humorous 18th century poster and the lyrics of South Carolina come together in an unlikely way (here)
- Baseball, TMBG, and Lorde? Yes, it's true (here)
- A webcomic which bears a striking resemblance to the lyrics for Where Your Eyes Don't Go (here)
- Modified caduceus, which got a nice reception :-) (here)
- Doodle based on the lyrics of Don't Let's Start (here)
- There was a clue on Jeopardy! about "The Lady, or the Tiger?", so I naturally made the connection (here)
- Nature's red in woof and in claw (here)
- Celebrating Brooklyn as a tourist (here)
- I got to see The Egg in all its glory! (here)
- Tesla's deathplace, from my bus tour of NYC (here)
- Memories of the old (here)
- The challenge of remembering to forget (here)
- Triangle Man hates Particle Man, even in this webcomic (here)
- Can I really acknowledge that I lost my mind without undermining the whole argument in the first place? (here)
- TMBG and Captain Beefheart (here)
- A webcomic that reminded me of Your Racist Friend - this was quite the hit! (here)
- That time when Icky was the Words with Friends Word of the Day (here)
- Insect hotels or hospitals? (here)
- A doodle I did based on Madam, I Challenge You To A Duel (here)
- Flans himself wished me good luck on my Nerd Nite presentation about the band! (here)
- A doodle inspired by Music Jail, Pt. 1 & 2 (here)
- I posted a shot from the talk I gave on TMBG (here)
- The DVD of The Kid Stays in the Picture has a cover image remarkably reminiscent of JF, who also stays in the picture (here)
- My TMBG doodle at the sandwich chain Which Wich (here)
- Words With Friends won't let you use the word Prevenge (here)
- A webcomic that references Mammal (here)
- Something wholly unpronounceable (here)
- Turkish delight on a moonlit night (here)
- A webcomic that may or may not have been inspired by "Madam/Duel" (here)
- Trivia Crack references TMBG, albeit slyly (here)
- Linnell playing Asteroids, though sadly the band didn't answer my actual question (here)
- A Glean reference on Jeopardy!...well, no, but I thought the band might appreciate Alex Trebek's disappointment in how rare of a word "glean" is, since none of the contestants responded correctly. The band has posted this to tumblr numerous times through the years. (Here's one from February 2023.)
- Walking "matchstick men" that reminded me of the lyrics to Nanobots (here)
- My new TMBG magnet based on a pin purchased from Selfcallednowhere (here)
- Asking JF how the guys deal with a cold while on tour - neat response! (here)
- Bills, Bills, Bills was actually a response on Jeopardy!, and I think I only knew it because of TMBG... (here)
- I am a dog walker (here)
- They Might Be Flyants (still from the video for Rock Club) (here)
- A crane that needs a crane that needs a crane that...... (here)
- I bought an old board game called Red Letter and was able to play "Flansy" (here)
- Souvenir pens from my home state for the guys (here)
- Was someone on Taco Bell's marketing team a fan of some Nanobots songs? Hmm... (here)
- Now who knows what that spells? (here)
- Another webcomic about windmills and giants (here)
- TMBG on Jeopardy! yet again! (here)
- A story about The Verve Pipe moving toward a TMBG-like method of releasing music - which got a really nice response from TVP themselves! (here)
- Autographs: Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips vs. John Linnell of TMBG (here)
- Michigan on the brain (here)
- Dial-A-Song? Diagonals? Hmm... (here)
- A definition of bad (here)
- This car was actual size (here)
- I sent in a heartfelt ode to Dial-A-Song 2015 - check it out! (here)
- Getting the important questions answered about Spy (here)
- A word puzzle I made on the WordBrain mobile app (here)
- A shopping area in Orlando is known as Coytown, named after Coy Jamerson Sr.[1], a developer in the 1950s. The name's similarity to Cowtown inspired this post (here)
- Accordions, puns, and apparently, chickens (here)
- From the animated film Zootopia, a sloth unwittingly quotes Snowball In Hell...or something (here)
- An X-Files-related pun with a hovering sombrero (here)
- Just a few weeks away from the Orlando show! (here)
- A cool blue-toned shot I got at the Orlando show (here)
- Screenshot of the Futurama mobile app level that evokes Destination Moon (here)
- Altered TMBG window decal (here)
- Seeing "For Science" at the end of any program on the Science Channel (here)
- Though it's not strictly TMBG-related, this Final Jeopardy! clue immediately made me think of Ana Ng (here)
- A commercial with tall hats that reminded me of the TMBG fezzes (here)
- Do song plays on Spotify profit the band? Read Flansburgh's hilarious response! (here)
- That time when I visited Xenia, Ohio, solely because of the line in Out Of Jail (here)
- A webcomic that seemed eerily reminiscent of Where Your Eyes Don't Go (here)
- Amusing consecutive songs on the TMBG app (here)
- Souvenir at MASS MoCA that may or may not be inspired by Apollo 18 (here)
- Did Pres. Trump sell his mind to the Kremlin? Hmm... (here)
- Comparison between Peter Murphy and John Linnell poses (here)
- Looking forward to the 2018 Orlando show (here)
- A photo from the 2018 Orlando show (here)
- Conan screengrab while the video was on mute (here)
- I created the album cover for Me Gusta La Diversión by Podrían ser gigantes (aquí)
- A cool answer to my question about one of my all-time favorite goof tracks, the '85 Radio Special Thank You (here)
- TMBG don't make good tourists (here)
- Celebrating that time when TMBG used a screenshot of my review of the 2018 Orlando show in a promotional e-mail about this very Wiki :-) (here)
- I made an Ayn Rand sandwich (here)
- Neat response for a question about Careful What You Pack (here)
- Don't Let's Start lyrics depicted on the web app that made part of the Erase video (here)
- Rabid Child reference in NE Nevada (here)
- Imagine my surprise when I came across a small community named "Linnell Camp" in central California. I had to go get a picture (here)
- Flans re: The World Before Later On in 2022 (here)
- Playing a virtual board game, I noticed the site's staff put an associated playlist together that included a TMBG song (here)
- Whole Lot Of Glean gif submitted...I always loved this song (here)
- Shot of the band performing in Orlando, as seen through one of the wrought iron fixtures in the venue (here)