
From This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW Userboxes
SV This user has rated the following songs.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Ana Ng.

JohnHenry.png This user's favorite album is John Henry.

About Me[edit]

I'm a dentist living in concentric West Virginia. Married, with three children. I First heard of TMBG in 1990 when Birdhouse In Your Soul began in heavy rotation on MTV (Sadly I grew up w/o Nickelodeon and thusly no Nick Rocks). I liked the video enough to tape over some Roxette, but didn't hear much more about Them until Tiny Toons in 1991. The first CD I owned was Apollo 18 which was one of the first discs I bought for my first CD player. I then found a tape of Lincoln (w/o liner notes) at a thrift store for $1. I later found the liner notes at another thrift store and hid them inside a 10,000 Maniacs tape I was buying. By this point, circa 1993 I was hooked. I bought every album and EP I could find. My interest in the band began to wane slightly after They lost Their record deal. Without a good internet connection between 1998-2002, It was hard to keep up with Their online releases. I still followed Them as best I could and bought Mink Car and The Spine when they came out. I wasn't too impressed with those releases, so I was just a casual fan. That is, until the first Podcast. I also discovered the wonderful wiki, as well. I finally bought Gigantic on DVD (don't know why I put that off). So as of 2006, I am, once again, a rabid fan. Now with a steady stream of income, I am devoted to completing my TMBG collection. My three children have inherited the TMBG gene, and refuse to learn their ABC's and 123's from anybody not named John.

Favorite Album Ranking[edit]

 1. John Henry
 2. Lincoln
 3. Apollo 18
 4. The Else
 5. They Might Be Giants
 6. Factory Showroom
 7. Flood
 8. Here Come The 123s
 9. The Spine
10. Here Come The ABCs
11. Long Tall Weekend
12. No!
13. Mink Car

My Collection[edit]

LitMatch's Collection
A User's Guide To They Might Be Giants: Melody, Fidelity, QuantityApollo 18Back To SkullBed, Bed, Bed (Book)Factory ShowroomFloodHello The Band (EP)Here Come The 123sHere Come The ABCsHere Come The ABCsHere Comes ScienceHouse Of MayorsI Palindrome I (EP)Indestructible ObjectIstanbul (Not Constantinople) (EP)It's Fun To StealJohn HenryKids Go!Long Tall WeekendMink CarMiscellaneous TNo!S-E-X-X-Y (EP)Severe Tire DamageState SongsState Songs (EP)The ElseThe Guitar (The Lion Sleeps Tonight) (EP)The SpineThen: The Earlier YearsThey Got LostThey Might Be Giants In HolidaylandThey Might Be Giants Vs. McSweeney'sThey'll Need A Crane (EP)UnsupervisedVenue SongsWhy Does The Sun Shine? (EP)Wiggle DisketteWorking Undercover For The Man (EP)


Shows I Have Attended[edit]

  • 1996-09-07 - Searcy, AR. I got to hang with the band. I'll post my account, autographs, and setlist (from memory) eventually
  • 1998-08-25 - Morgantown, WV
  • 2006-05-09 - Columbus, OH
  • 2007-05-09 - Pittsburgh, PA
  • 2008-07-25 - Tom's River, NJ. Got to take the kids to see TMBG and Dan Zanes while vacationing in Jersey.

Wow 5 shows in 5 different states. Who else can boast that?

Unrelated Things I Like[edit]

  • Music: REM, Radiohead, The New Pornographers, Coldplay, Guided By Voices, Wilco, Neutral Milk Hotel, Flaming Lips, Mountain Goats, Long Winters
  • TV: Lost, Smallville, Battlestar Galactica, 24, SNL, The Office, Heroes, 30 Rock, House, True Blood, Mad Men
  • Other: Homestar Runner, Poker, Wii

Feel free to stop on by my Talk page and say hi!