This Might Be A Wiki:Babel

From This Might Be A Wiki
(Redirected from Venue Songs:Babel)

Read these steps first:

  1. To start off, type or paste {{babeltop}} on top of your user page.
  2. Put the babel boxes directly underneath the {{babeltop}}. Note they are case-sensitive.
  3. Finish up by typing or pasting |} underneath the last box.
  4. Put the actual content of your user page underneath the babel, so the userboxes appear at the top of your page.
TMBW Userboxes
Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

For example...

{{Babel:TMBG fav}}

Then start typing your page here!

If you want to make custom userboxes for your page besides the ones seen below, go to the {{babel}} template for instructions. Custom boxes are still placed underneath the "{{babeltop}}" and above the "|}".

Wiki-related boxes[edit]


RV This user often finds and reverts vandalism.

{{Babel:Reverts Vandalism}}
CTB This user has contributed to these pages.

INT This user has written the following song interpretations.

SV This user has rated the following songs.

{{Babel:Song Votes}}
SHO This user has attended the following shows.

{{Babel:Show Attendance}}
This user is a member of the TMBW Discord.

{{Babel:Discord}} or
skin This user uses monobook.

{{Babel:TMBWskin|Whatever TMBW skin you use}}
Globe.png This user lives in
Lincoln, MA.

{{Babel:Location|Where you live}}
StateSongsStates.png This user lives in a State Songs state.

This user is 20 years old.

{{Babel:Age|Type age here}} or
This user uses he/him pronouns.

{{Babel:He Him}}
This user uses she/her pronouns.

{{Babel:She Her}}
This user uses They/them pronouns.

{{Babel:They Them}}
This user uses he/she/xie pronouns.

{{Babel:Pronouns|Type custom pronouns here}}
813EditEditor.jpg 813-edit contributor!

See how many edits you have done here and look under "Basic info".

Elsewhere on the internet[edit]

WEB This user has a website.

{{Babel:Website|Your URL here}}
WP This user is also on Wikipedia.

{{Babel:Wikipedia|Wikipedia username}}
HRW This user is also on
Homestar Runner Wiki.

{{Babel:HRWiki|HRWiki username}}
WA This user is also on
The Weird Al Wiki.

{{Babel:Weird Al Wiki|Weird Al Wiki username}}
Aimbabel.png This user's AIM screen name is el pwnz0r.

{{Babel:AIM|Your AIM username here}}
Fm45.png This user has a page.

{{Babel:Lastfm|Your screename here}}
Facebook 45px.png This user is on Facebook.

{{Babel:Facebook|Your Facebook profile name here}}
If your Facebook URL is,
use just the username; john.smith.
Linnell, the Booze Giant.gif This user's Kingdom of Loathing username is Your username.
{{Babel:KOL|Your username}}

They Might Be Giants boxes[edit]


Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

{{Babel:TMBG fav}}
FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 1986.

{{Babel:Fan Year|insert year here}}
FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Everything Right Is Wrong Again.

{{Babel:Fav song|whatever your favorite TMBG song is}}
VID This user's favorite TMBG video is Don't Let's Start.

{{Babel:Fav vid|whatever your favorite TMBG video is}}
LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: Laugh hard, it's a long way to the bank

{{Babel:Fav Lyric|song=Song name goes here|lyric=Lyric goes here}}
FanClub12 45.png This user is a member of the Instant Fan Club.

{{Babel:Fan Club}}
{{Babel:Fan Club|year}}

Band members[edit]

Twoface.jpg This user doesn't know which John they prefer.

Flansburgh 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Flansburgh.

{{Babel:Flans}} (alternate template available: {{Babel:Flans2}})
Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

Beller 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Marty Beller.

Miller 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Dan Miller.

Weinkauf 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Danny Weinkauf.


Favorite albums[edit]

Apollo18.png This user's favorite album is Apollo 18.
{{Babel:Fav album|Your favorite album's name}}
(Note - You can add "|alt" for various albums to show a different image)
BackToSkull.png This user's favorite EP is Back To Skull.

{{Babel:Fav EP|Your favorite EP's name}}
(Note - EP name must match the full TMBW page name like I Palindrome I (EP).)


Tmbgnumber2.jpg This user listened all the way through the director's commentary for Gigantic (A Tale Of Two Johns).


Venue Songs[edit]

Dallas 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Dallas.

Albany 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Albany.

Hollywood 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Hollywood.

Anaheim 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Anaheim.

Vancouver 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Vancouver.

Pittsburgh 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Pittsburgh.

Asheville 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Asheville.

Glasgow 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Glasgow.

Charlottesville 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Charlottesville.

Asbury Park 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Asbury Park.

{{Babel:Asbury Park}}
Brooklyn 45.JPG This user's favorite Venue Song is Brooklyn.

240px-Shower symbol.svg.png This user's favorite Venue Song is London.

Irving Plaza 45.png This user's favorite Venue Song is Irving Plaza.

{{Babel:Irving Plaza}}

Instrument boxes[edit]

Accordion 45a.gif This user plays accordion

Bass 45.gif This user plays bass.

Drums 45.gif This user plays drums.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Oboe45.jpg This user plays oboe.

Baritone Saxophone.jpg This user plays saxophone.

Trumpet 45.jpg This user plays trumpet.

Trombone 45.JPG This user plays trombone.

Tuba 45.JPG This user plays tuba.
