Talk:TMBG's Upcoming 24th Album

From This Might Be A Wiki

Contenders / Relegation[edit]

I wonder if Tan Minivans and Killing are still contenders for the new album? Also, I found this quote from an interview with John Linnell (I don't know which) right before BOOK came out and he said:

The new album hasn't even come out and yet we're working on the next one.

Does this deserve its own page, or should we just relegate it to a talk page for now? Just putting this out there - HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸 15:47, 12 April 2022 (EDT)

Maybe Killing should be removed, since they said it was "in limbo." --ColorOfInfinity (talk) 01:34, 15 April 2022 (EDT)

Major Label Debut[edit]

I went to the March 7th show, and I remember Linnell joked the new album would be called "Major Label Debut", and they mentioned the experimentation on the album (that being number 24) is this worth mentioning? --⇂⇂↋ suᴉɥsuǝZ ʎɯɯᴉᒋ (talk) 18:48, 11 April 2023 (EDT)

On one hand, it feels like an improvised joke. But on the other, people thought John Flansburgh was joking when he said that the follow-up to No! would be called Why? so I dunno. — HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸
Almost definitely a joke. Worth mentioning in a review on the show page if you like but not here. --Self Called Nowhere (talk) 01:31, 12 April 2023 (EDT)


This will be TMBG's 24th album, and it will most likely come out in 2024!!! Am I the only one who finds that kinda awesome? — HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸 13:38, 31 May 2023 (EDT)


Stillub should really be removed I think. It would make absolutely no sense to include a backwards version of a song from 34 years earlier, even the Johns have their limits. It is also getting a single release for IFC members, so it’s safe to say that’ll likely be its only appearance. --Lukehennisch (talk) 13:48, 13 April 2024 (EDT)

While I agree it's improbable, it's not impossible. TitanicFog (talk) 15:38, 13 April 2024 (EDT)

Feel Good Sublet[edit]

I assume its out of the cards, but should we consider that Feel Good Sublet could end up on here? If Flansburgh was curious enough to rerecord it, do you think that could end up on the album? Obviously its a track with a much older origin story, and if I had to guess would probably be the largest amount of time between original recording and feature on a studio album. (Very few things come to mind that would rival it, I feel like 10 years is the expiration date on most TMBG songs in terms of their album-readiness. Tesla's the longest that comes to mind) Either way I think the option is there, it'd be fun to see. --Robot Parade (talk) 06:07, 9 July 2024 (EDT)

18 SONGS?[edit]

Yes, please. We haven't had an album with an amount of songs like that since Nanobots! --HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸 18:30, 12 September 2024 (EDT)

hello Phone Power TitanicFog (talk) 20:01, 12 September 2024 (EDT)
No one ever remembers Phone Power... :( --Robot Parade (talk) 01:10, 13 September 2024 (EDT)
Oh yeah, right. I always thought that Phone Power had like 13 or 14 songs. But still, I’m just hyped for the new album. HotelDetectiveInTheFuture🪗 talk 🎸 13:52, 14 September 2024 (EDT)