Not In Major Or Minor
From This Might Be A Wiki
The following songs do not follow the conventional Major or Minor modes in all or part of the song:
- (She Thinks She's) Edith Head - F Dorian.
- Boat Of Car - Mostly in E Dorian but switches to C Major for the outro.
- Come On And Wreck My Car Alternates between B Mixolydian and B Dorian.
- Cowtown - The song is mostly in D Major but changes to D Dorian for the bridge.
- Dashiki Lover - A Dorian.
- Hearing Aid - The Verse and Chorus is in E Dorian. The rest is in D Major.
- Hot Cha - Mostly in E Dorian but solo is in E Minor.
- I Found A New Friend Underneath My Pillow - Starts as A Minor but ends as A Dorian.
- Integrity Project - Alternates among C Dorian, Major, and Minor.
- Thermostat - Verse and Chorus alternate between B Dorian and B Minor.
- Twisting - The song changes to and from G Dorian at the "She doesn’t have to have.." part.
Harmonic Major[edit]
- The Day That Love Came To Play - The part before the chorus and after the verse is in F♯ Harmonic Major.
- Hi Honey I'm Home - Mostly in F♯ Harmonic Major but car horn has notes in F♯ Harmonic Minor.
Harmonic Minor[edit]
- 7-11 - Alternates between, E Minor, E Harmonic Minor and D Mixolydian.
- Aaa - Switches between D Harmonic Minor and D Minor.
- By The Time You Get This’s bridge is in F# Harmonic Minor
- Dinner Bell - Goes to A Harmonic Minor for some parts.
- Hi Honey I'm Home - Mostly in F♯ Harmonic Major but car horn has notes in F♯ Harmonic Minor.
- Hovering Sombrero - Mostly in D major but changes to B Harmonic Minor for the "Hovering Sombrero.. Hovering Sombrero" part.
- I'm All You Can Think About - Mostly in D Harmonic Minor but switches to F Major for some parts.
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - Mostly in F Harmonic Minor but switches to F Minor for some parts.
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (Dial-A-Song) - G Harmonic Minor.
- Older - D Harmonic Minor.
- She's Actual Size - Switches between D Minor and D Harmonic Minor.
- She's Actual Size (Live STD) - Switches between E Minor and E Harmonic Minor.
- Snail Shell - Alternates between A Minor and A Harmonic Minor.
- Snail Shell (Demo) - Alternates between A♭ Minor and A♭ Harmonic Minor
- Stuff Is Way - D Harmonic Minor.
- What Is A Shooting Star? - Switches between D Harmonic Minor and D Minor.
- A Self Called Nowhere - Last part of Verses are in B♭ Lydian and Pre-Chorus is in E♭ Lydian.
- Damn Good Times - Alternates between C Major and C Lydian.
- Hey Now Everybody - Last part of the song is in A Lydian.
- I Heard A Sound - E♭ Lydian.
- Figure Eight - Alternates between F Major and F Lydian.
- Icky - The "Here, this is yours" part is in B♭ Lydian and C Lydian.
- I Like Fun - Mostly in F Lydian but switches to C Major for some parts.
- Leave Me Alone - Last part of the song is in D Flat Lydian.
Melodic Minor[edit]
- End Of The Rope - Mostly in A Melodic Minor but briefly goes to A Minor for some parts.
- 7-11 - Alternates between, E Minor, E Harmonic Minor and D Mixolydian.
- A Self Called Nowhere - Chorus is in E♭ Mixolydian.
- Come On And Wreck My Car Alternates between B Mixolydian and B Dorian.
- The Day That Love Came To Play - The end part is in F♯ Mixolydian.
- The Devil Went Down To Newport - F♯ Mixolydian then it changes to the key of G Mixolydian.
- For Science - The "There has been a spacecraft sighted..." and "I will date the girl from Venus" part are in A Mixolydian.
- Hide Away Folk Family - The "This is Leslie Down" part is in D Mixolydian.
- Hypnotist Of Ladies - Alternates between A Mixolydian and E Mixolydian
- Icky - Alternates between G Mixolydian, C Mixolydian and D Mixolydian.
- See The Constellation - Mostly in G Mixolydian but the Pre-Chorus and Chorus is in G Major.
- Someone Keeps Moving My Chair - Alternates between F Mixolydian and F Major.
- Toddler Hiway - B♭ Mixolydian.
- Thermostat - Intro is in B Mixolydian.
- Twisting - Switches Between G Mixolydian and G Major.
Mixolydian ♭6[edit]
- By The Time You Get This - Most of the 3rd line of the chorus is in A Mixolydian ♭6, But then switches to A Major.
- Cabbagetown - Chorus is in E Phrygian.
- The Darlings Of Lumberland - Chorus is in D♭ Phrygian
- I Haven’t Seen You In Forever - the "I haven’t seen you in forever, I’m so annoyed" part is in D Phrygian
- Daylight is in C Phrygian