Stuff Is Way

From This Might Be A Wiki
Music video for "Stuff Is Way"

song name Stuff Is Way
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Nanobots, Modern
year 2013
first played February 27, 2025 (5 known performances)
run time 1:37
sung by John Linnell


  • A "stalking horse" is an inconsequential figure who acts on behalf of a larger third party so that the third party can remain anonymous. The term originates from hunters hiding behind their horses as they sneak up on prey.
  • Linnell described the clarinet usage in the song as "really fun". He used his "Selmer rosewood contra alto with a gigantic bell" that he played "sitting down while it rests on its peg".[1]
  • In March 2019, "Stuff is Way" was used in a YouTube animation meme, which generated enough popularity to move it to TMBG's top 5 songs on both Spotify and Apple Music. The meme spawned hundreds more videos set to the song, and a snippet of the song also became a popular sound on TikTok, with thousands of videos using it.
  • As an eventual response to the song's viral success, They Might Be Giants had David Cowles design, direct and animate an official video for the song, which debuted on December 19, 2022.

Song Themes

Animals, Bad English, Canon, Forgetting And Remembering, Lies And Deception, Microtones, Nonsense Words, Not In Major Or Minor, Questions, Transportation


  • Watch it on Youtube.png

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