Talk:Installing & Servicing Melody
From This Might Be A Wiki
More Info[edit]
Here's some more info from Hine Mizushima, should anyone want to start the tracklisting:
- Wow, would I seriously love that. I sure would. o.o PS: HELL YEAH, Q U IS TRULY THE BEST KIDS SONG. YEAH! --Luke 15:36, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- I also found it odd that the front cover doesn't seem to match the inside cover. Here's what i've noticed:
- Diet Dr. Pepper songs not mentioned on inside tracklisting
- Amazing Vacation Homes theme not mentioned on inside
- Coca-Cola not listed. What song would this be anyway? I know of the radio ad.
- Neither of the Play-Doh ads appear on the inside tracklisting
--Duke33 15:51, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- well, it seems to me that someone is just going to have to buy the thing. any volunteers? --
15:59, 12 March 2009 (UTC)
- I love how a win for you is a win for the wiki. Congrats! ~ magbatz 18:09, 14 March 2009 (UTC)
- Well, I successfully got this on eBay! There's some great stuff on here, like the Sony cameras commercials that I had no idea even existed. I do wish the Diet Dr. Pepper, Travel Channel, Coca-Cola, and Play Doh commercials had been included, though. A few questions/comments:
- 1.) I've only watched it once, so I may have missed it somehow, but I was kind of disappointed that the Brave New World video for "Older" was included instead of the actual "Brave New World Theme." Does anyone know if there's somewhere online where I can here the BNW theme, because I've seen never heard it . . .
- 2.) Does anyone have more info about the Sony commercials, because I don't think we even have any pages for them. Do we even know how many commercials were made with TMBG, how many songs TMBG recorded for the commercials, etc.? Any online info I should know about?
- 3.) While I'm loathe to take the exclamation point off of the one TMBG song I "named," (Karate!), shouldn't we change the Dunkin' Donuts songs' names to match up to the titles listed on this DVD? They seem like the closest thing we're going to get to official titles? Unless you guys have used one of those Web sites listing copyright/trademark info for all of TMBG's song, though I don't really know much about those sites, other than that people link to them a lot on here.
- 4.) I believe the Chrysler commercial is the one that includes part of "Yeh Yeh," but I'll watch the DVD again to double check before I change that.
- 5.) It was pretty obvious that this wasn't going to be the case, but I was still hoping for clean recordings (without dialogue, etc.) of "Dog On Fire" and the Sony commercials, etc., but oh well. I wish they were available somewhere, though . . .
- 6.) Did anyone else notice the goof at the end of the disc where a second or two of the "I C U" video popped up after "Alphabet Lost And Found"? Oops.
- 7.) Nitpicky, I know, but does the complete absence of apostrophes bother anyone else? :P
- A few more:
- 8.) Can anyone tell which of the two (or more) 30-second versions of "Boss Of Me" is on this DVD so we can link to the right one?
- 9.) Do the Daily Show opening music and theme song together comprise "Dog On Fire," or are they two different (albeit very short) songs?
- 10.) Which version of "Glasgow" is included? This page links to the original/live version, and that version's page says it's the one the video was made for, but the page for Venue Songs links to the the studio version in the DVD section. So one of the two pages needs to be corrected.
- Okay, that's all I have at the moment! Drew 14:39, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
- Regarding item 1, Quinn's put the Brave New World intro up on youtube, so you can see the whole thing there if you'd like, but it's mostly narrated over. -Apollo (colloquia!) 14:58, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
- Thanks! Should we add that to the theme's page on here? Drew 18:44, 11 June 2011 (EDT)
How is having '&' in the title a problem? It doesn't seem like it. (1) (2) (3) -- DidgeGuy (आ ज) 20:07, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
- It isn't anymore, I guess. I fixed it. --no link required, irritation ensues. (veggieman) 20:39, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
- There was a problem i found with being able to add it to your collection, if there was an ampersand in the title. It should be fixed now. So, whomever was trying to add it, please try again. --Duke33 18:21, 6 November 2010 (UTC)
release details[edit]
is it just me or is there something totally wack with the release details here? --$¥Šтəмд†↓к є┌╓☼╔ (talk) 02:20, 30 November 2010 (UTC)
- Wow, I had no idea this even existed! I need to find a copy of this . . . somehow . . . Drew 10:13, 24 January 2011 (UTC)