Wait Actually Yeah No

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Wait Actually Yeah No
artist They Might Be Giants
releases BOOK
year 2021
run time 3:20
sung by John Linnell


  • John Linnell explained creating the song in a 2021 interview:[1]
Wait Actually Yeah No was, in a way, a category of song that we occasionally pull out, which is where we come up with just the music. [We] come in and record it and we don't have the lyrics at all prepared. So we just recorded a track with a melody and chords. [...]
So, Wait Actually Yeah No was completed at home after we had our studio session, like some of the other tracks that we've done in the past. You'd think that would be a bad idea, and maybe sometimes it is, this one actually worked out. I also managed to get our trumpet player [Curt Ramm], who was in Newport, Rhode Island at the time, to remotely just make up a trumpet part. I sent him the completed track that we'd recorded and he just played over the top of it. I gave him a couple notes but he pretty much made up the part and sent it back, and we grafted it onto the recording. The lyrics came last.
  • From a November 2021 interview with Brooklyn Magazine:[2]
On another track, "Wait Actually Yeah No," Linnell sings about a maddening process of sifting through false starts to find a coherent thought... I tell Linnell I can relate to that sense of mounting desperation and wonder aloud if it was a little peek into their process. "No, I didn't really think, 'oh, this one is about songwriting,'" he demurs, I'm sure with an impish grin. "I like the sense that a song exists in an uninterpreted form."

Song Themes

Accidents, Animals, Clothes, Colors, Drugs, Food, Forgetting And Remembering, Islands, Medical, Music, No, Not In Common Time, Numbers, Religion, Supernatural, Sea, Strangers, The Senses, Time, Transportation, War, Military, Yes


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Wait Actually Yeah No is currently ranked #770 out of 1018. (51 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.61)