Hodgman Promo 2

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Hodgman Promo #2
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Dial-A-Song, Podcast 4A, Podcast 54
year 2001
run time 0:56
sung by John Hodgman, Robin Goldwasser; John Flansburgh states the sponsorship


  • One of three fake political campaign advertisements released by TMBG in 2001 on their Dial-A-Song service. For the others, see Hodgman Promo 1 and Hodgman Promo 3.
  • John Hodgman (McSweeney's writer, deranged millionaire) himself provides the male voice.
  • A text reproduction of this endorsement appears in Hodgman's book, The Areas of My Expertise, on page 133.

Song Themes

Criminal Activities, Hotels, Politics, Mind Control, Hypnotism, Money, Religion, Supernatural, Temperature


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