From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs referring to temperature (hot, cold, etc.)
- Butcher's Tale - "And in the heat the flies come down..."
- Dinner Bell - "I re-heat my soup"
- A Horse With No Name - "The heat was hot"
- "Monongahela" - "in the sweltering heat of August"
- Thermostat - "When the heat bothers you turn it down"
- They Might Be Giants - "They might be heat"
- What Is A Shooting Star? - "Produces heat and light"
- Why Does The Sun Shine? - "We need its heat", "The sun gives heat", "The heat and light of the sun..."
- 100 Cars For Good - "Deliver hot meals to people in need"
- Horse With No Name - "The heat was hot..."
- Hot Cha
- Hot Dog!
- Idlewild - "Sun shines bright on a hot summer day"
- "Monongahela" - "...world famous natural hot steel springs..."
- One Billion Degrees - "...the hot parking lot..."
- "Skee-ball And Saltwater Taffy" - "...white hot rock guitar licks..."
- Solid Liquid Gas - "...when it's hot enough..."
- Three Might Be Duende - "Hot from the embers"
- Why Does The Sun Shine? - "The sun is hot"
- Yeh Yeh - "I feel the fire get hot"
- Your Mom's Alright - "I am the hot steam"
- Ana Ng - "Why was the bench still warm?"
- Car Alarms - "...the warm heart"
- Kids Took Over - "It's warmer / And warmer"
- Maine - "...its tender, warm embrace"
- Mammal - "So the warm blood flows"
- Solid Liquid Gas - "When water's warm enough..."
- T-Shirt - "To keep his family warm"
- West Virginia - "...to keep you warm"
- Am I Awake? - "The coffee's cold..."
- Austin - "It's a stone cold gas to be here..."
- The Biggest One - "...my coffee gets cold"
- Bleachers - "I'm freezing at peewee hockey"
- The Darlings Of Lumberland - "Hold my cold dead hand"
- Hidden Track - "...the air is cold"
- Hodgman Promo 2 - "...the Delia Hotel in Cold Spring..."
- I Got My T-Shirt Back - "And it was cold, cold to the touch"
- Indiana Wants Me - "...it's so cold and lonely here..."
- Last Wave - "My heart is cold"
- Lord Snowdon - "Where it's frozen like you, dear"
- Mammal - "...extinction in the cold..."
- Moving To The Sun - "This world's too cold"
- Narrow Your Eyes - "Now let's toast the sad cold fact"
- Nine Bowls Of Soup - "But the soup is getting cold"
- Phone Calls From The Dead - "From underneath the cold, cold ground!"
- Solid Liquid Gas - "When it's cold enough"
- Thermostat - "Turn it up when the cold brings you down"
- Trouble Awful Devil Evil - "Darkness spreads across a cold benighted land"
- Valentine - "A heart frosty as this Ballantine"
- West Virginia - "When it's cold..."