Call Connected Thru The NSA

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Music video for "Call Connected Thru The NSA"
Myspace artwork

song name Call Connected Thru the NSA
artist They Might Be Giants
releases They Might Be Ringtones, Podcast 4A, Free Tunes, Podcast 33B, TMBG Instant Fan Club 2012, Secret Music Vol. 1 (in "Extra Ringtone Super Pile Annex")
year 2006
run time 0:37
sung by John Flansburgh


  • From "These ditties were created at the end of a TMBG session with the legendary Pat Dillett. Instead of ending our session day with the usual clearing of coffee cups and sweeping up, John and John got together and scribbled these quickies for your phone, PDA, or any other place you can think of."
  • This song was originally released under the title "War", but was changed to "Call Connected Thru The NSA" just four days after initial release.[1]
  • The lyrics and title of this song refer to the NSA warrantless surveillance controversy of late 2005/early 2006, in which the US National Security Agency was given power to wiretap phone lines of U.S. citizens without a prior warrant.
  • The band began promoting the song again[2][3] in 2013, following the revelations from Wikileaks and privacy rights whistleblower Edward Snowden. The song got a major boost[4] when TMBG was featured as a "Did You Know" article on Wikipedia on July 12, 2013[5].

Song Themes

Criminal Activities, Intelligence, Espionage, Politics, Telecommunication, War, Military


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Call Connected Thru The NSA is currently ranked #499 out of 1035. (28 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.29)