
From This Might Be A Wiki

Hi! I'm Danielle. I live in NJ now. Ha! If anybody wants to talk to me for some reason, my AIM s/n is: LongTallWeek...


And WOW it's myspace.

See yas!

Oh, and some of these "user contributions" of mine, I don't even remember doing... :/ And I did more than are listed; probably when I wasn't logged in. Haha. Oh well.

Favorite wikians (in (almost, due to a special request) alphabetical order so nobody gets pissed):

Top 10 TMBG shows I've been to:

Date Venue City Attendance
2007-11-06 Southgate House Newport, KY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Aesthete Aquatopia Bluething Dingo sal Duende Freakflag Malanai Mizary Moofy Raanve Reallydeepman StoicJohn TDK Theelse07fan Thevince

2008-03-11 Jannus Landing St. Petersburg, FL Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Ampersand Bwhich Jfailes Jsfailes LalaLemon Minerwerks Moofy Oliveirach RLJohYouDid Scottus0 TDK

2007-07-18 Bowery Ballroom New York, NY Attendance (30) 30 wikians attended: Alia Billzilla CapitalQ Cubeclub Discardedfolderol Drworm75 ElbridgeGerry FrankEinstein Frodolives Garnavis HeyErikLeafinson Houseofmayors James.K.Folk Jba KALEB JAMES Kassi Kayakcup Leolapyre Milli Mister Charisma Mjb75 Moofy Pitch Pith Surveysez Tarnished armor TDK Vvedge Vwfreak42 Willie

2005-12-31 Northsix Brooklyn, NY Attendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.

2005-07-22 Brown-Forman Amphitheater Louisville, KY Attendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Aliste Evillincoln Freakflag Macheensout Mizary Moofy Mossycow Ovenmitt Thevince Woodsie22

2007-11-24 TLA Philadelphia, PA Attendance (49) 49 wikians attended: Alexandria Analogkid Beanmom Bells12 Blind Simeon Blueruin Callaflower Ceritain People I named Chillpower Chimpoozle Davidcl Drezin DustinDaShelf Frodolives Goldie1028 GreenteaAT8 HeyErikLeafinson I am a Sax Player Juttman Kassi KathyK Kayakcup Ladognome Leolapyre LolaGeek Manderinxorange Maxemaze Micahmj11 Mlith35 Mollytmbg Moofy Mr. 77 Mrdo82 Musicologyman Oddjob Orangepeel Pacdude PhillyCrow Poutinstereo Samantha Sensurround29 Stoat TDK The Great Vowel Shift ThisMightBeAndy Tvman Twentyagon Vvedge Zakolita

2006-11-18 Riverspace Arts in Nyack Nyack, NY Attendance (17) 17 wikians attended: CapitalQ Cubeclub Dan Frankievallium Frodolives I am a Sax Player Iamsplice Ill masta JohnHenry Kassi Kayakcup Meekipoof Moofy Mr.klaw MRH0RRIBLE Sensurround29 TDK

2006-12-16 Southpaw Brooklyn, NY Attendance (15) 15 wikians attended: Craighecht Freakflag Frodolives HeyErikLeafinson Kayakcup Kevin713 Lange17 Milli Moofy Richegreen Rockmarooned Slightlyoffaxis TDK Vvedge Willie

2006-08-25 Lincoln Park Zoo Chicago, IL Attendance (39) 39 wikians attended: Aliste AtionSong Barmonkey Beer Gynt Briguyd BurdHouseInChicago Disgruntledninja Drworm818 EbolaSalad Flood222 Francisco Freakflag Frogbs Ganna Garnish HectorR INeedACrane Jdcooldude Kassi KBear27 Kellifersue Lelegion LouRocco Moofy Mr.Xcitement Mrme27 Planetfour Rabidchild1 Rcmiv RecordCollector06 RIVE Rjdmail Shellbelle Spejampar TheBlunderbuss Thunderbird Twiceremovedfan Wbrimley Xannie

2008-03-13 House of Blues Orlando, FL Attendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Ames Bloodmuffin Dietspritezero Eitingon Green.Jello Hotelmesopotamia Moofy Oliveirach Retrac SenSurroun TDK