
From This Might Be A Wiki

in loving memory
just a regular phone call to brooklyn
ADM This user is a TMBW admin.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 1996.
cranejl45.png This user's favourite John is
John Linnell.
cranejf45.png This user's favourite John is
John Flansburgh.
ctrl This user subsists upon MediaWiki keyboard shortcuts.
Monobook.gif This user wonders why you aren't using Monobook.
þ This user is they/them.

greetings! my name is ant (no relation). today is my 6728th day on the wiki.

i can probably answer any tmbg-related graphical or discographical questions you have.

if you'd like to get ahold of me the best method is probably our own irc channel. you can also try my talk page or even electronic mail.

i have a tendency to upload and collect a lot of stuff.

i'm responsible for SallyBotCandyBar so if you see them misbehaving let me know.

some other musicians who rock hard:

XTC, The Go! Team, Moon Hooch, OK Go, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Oppenheimer, Lincoln, Vitalic, Nelories, Jonathan Coulton, Kraftwerk, Sparks, Talking Heads, OK Glass, The Raveonettes, Japanese Breakfast, Beulah

some musicians you've never heard of who rock hard:

African Brothers International Band, Spokes Mashiyane, Soul Brothers, Orchestre Les Mangelepa, Okukuseku's No. 2 Guitar Band, Empire Bakuba, Biram King, Sonny Okosuns, Smokey Haangala, Blé Marcel Dibaga