Interpretations:Take Out The Trash

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Literal interpretation[edit]

I think the song is fairly literal. The narrator of this song is telling someone to break up with her cheating boyfriend, aka "taking out the trash". "And once you get him out, tell him not to come back again." -Akagi 22:49, April 27, 2007

Six years is a long time to get back to you Phil but well "I'm not say that all boys are the same" is the lyric that backs up my argument. Flans creepy narrator is trying to worm his way in. (Mr Tuck)
i feel like reading that far into it says more about the interpreter than the song, tuck. Apollo (colloquia!) 18:59, 28 October 2014 (EDT)


To note, "it's Thursday now" refers to the usual 'trash day' on most of suburbia being on a Thursday. --Mongoose 08:08, 2 June 2007 (UTC)

Actually, it's Wednesday for me. And really, it all depends on which district in which you live. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Lucretius (talkcontribs) 19:56, February 21, 2008
I think "it's Thursday now" refers to a woman waiting for her man to follow up on a weekend's date and Thursday is the day it becomes totally unacceptable that he hasn't called yet. --Wetreplies 23:51, 11 June 2007 (UTC)
I agree, it could also be that she needs to have him out of her life so she can begin making new plans --Hitako47 00:12, August 8, 2007
That's always how I read it, with the implication of not wasting another friday on this loser... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 15:58, May 20, 2010
I always thought it was a reference to Thursday being 'Ladies' night' at most bars.

Interpretation 5[edit]

I think he is telling his friend to stop going out with his friends old boyfriend. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Tmbgfan (talkcontribs) 02:59, February 28, 2008

you need to take out the trash. the can is full.

Sequel to Your Racist Friend[edit]

I think this might be a part 2 of Your Racist Friend because it seems like the narrator absolutely got tired of their friend's racist friend so now they're kicking the racist friend out.

The narrator's friend obviously seems to not be aware of how badly racist their friend is so now instead of just not listening to them and their/her racist friend, they want them to completely unfriend them because the narrator is tired of the friend's racist remarks to him or others, no matter how much they may be kidding.

-and once you get him out Tell him not to come back again? Girl! Put that cat in the bin after what he said. After everything he did! Saying this so the person can leave and stop being racist around them.

It's fine if you disagree, though. This just comes in my head everytime I listen to this song or Your Racist Friend. Seems too obvious.

Cant Keep Jamincin Down (talk) 00:25, 20 January 2024 (EST)

The Trash is George W. Bush[edit]

The girl is lady liberty and the trash is George W. Bush. It was confirmed in interviews that much of this album is at least subconsciously about Bush-era politics and the Iraq war, and this interpretation is in line with that theme. It's comparing bush to a shitty boyfriend.