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2 wikians attended: Eee TomInBoston
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- Drinkin'
- Spider
- James K. Polk
- She Thinks She's Edith Head
- Mr. Klaw
- Ana Ng
- Your Racist Friend
- She's Actual Size
- She's An Angel
- Radio They Might Be Giants 1
- Cyclops Rock
- Older
- Twisting
- Birdhouse In Your Soul
- The Guitar
- Letterbox
- Spy
- I Palindrome I
- Rat Patrol
- Pet Name
- Mammal
- Particle Man
- The Famous Polka
- Doctor Worm
On the setlist but wasn't played:
They Might Be Giants
— with Betwixt opening —
Tufts University in Medford, MA
October 27, 1999
Fan Recaps and Comments:
Review from
- Oh MAN!!! Can I just start by saying that this was the best (of the two, granted) TMBG concerts I've been to, for many many reasons. I promised that I'd give a review, since it was a relatively small show, 350 tickets, Tufts students only. Anyway, here goes:
- The opening band was pretty lousy - Betwixed I believe they were called. The lead singer, some lady, seemed a little psycho. She was convulsing and getting low on the stage with a weird look in her eyes. Only 5 songs we had to suffer through, don't worry.
- Then They came on.
- I had a great spot, which I will go into further on in the review. I was right up front, but I'm ABSOLUTELY sure that everybody out there doesn't really care. Anyway, I was able to make off with the setlist (even though I was writing down the songs as they played them on a pocket notebook. Curses!)
- Drinkin' with the Johns off stage, then they trickled in. Very cool, I'll only make comments when something really out there happened.
- Spider was next, of course with Flans holding the mic up in the air.
- James K Polk, Good, nothing in particular that I remember
- She Thinks She's Edith Head
- Mr. Klaw - They dedicated this to some person in the band, I believe he said Mr. John Klaw, or something like that.
- Ana Ng, next
- Racist Friend
- Spiraling Shape - Linnell couldn't remember the album this was from, so he said "Maybe it was... The Spaghetti Incident... Well, whatever album it was from, I'm sure it was a fine album." Or something to that effect.
- She's Actual Size
- She's an Angel
- Radio They Might Be Giants, a funny explaination "Since it's so idiotic to stand here and say stuff like htp, backslash, double backslash... we just made a song about it" It was very funny, especially to computer nerds of course, and colleges are full of them.
- Cyclops Rock
- Older
- Twistin;
- Birdhouse in your Soul
- The Guitar - Here's the coolest part!!! Flansburgh shoved the guitar right in my face, and I gave it a good strum - actually an awful strum, but a strum nontheless. That's why I say I had such a great spot. Oh MAN! My lefty guitarist friend won't be able to stand it. Ha!
- Letterbox
- Spy - An insane improv, Flans took conducting for about 2 minutes or so, then passed it on to Linnell for another 2 minutes or so, maybe less. It was cool nonetheless.
- I Palindrome I
- Rat Patrol
- Petname - with no lights. It was planned (It says "No lights" on the setlist) but they acted like the lighting guys had left the building.
- Then an Educational song. I was sure it was going to be WDTSS, BUT it was not. It was Mammal. Infotainment. There ya go.
- Particle Man with a interlude of SOME SONG I have no idea what it was. If anybody can help me out, that would be great, but I didn't recognize it. It went right into The Famous Polka
- Then Dr. Worm cool stuff. Linnell did some groovy singing near the end, fading his voice out as he quickly squeezed the accordion. Sounded neato. oh yea
- Then they left. We cheered and cheered, as an encore, they played two more songs:
- Graveshoe (A combination Born in the graveyard and Shoehorn with Teeth)
- And NYC. They were vamping for a bit, then Flans stopped and asked John "What are we gonna do" John's like "NYC" and Flans went "Nah, that's too easy" But they played it nonetheless.
- That was it, they left. They could've come back for Istanbul (It said Maybe Istanbul on the setlist, but I guess they had a 12:00 curfew, according to Flans. Well it was a cool concert, even though I was looking forward to the acoustic istanbul. Oh well.
- The interlude in Particle Man was two verses of Dolly Parton's "Here You Come Again" - they're still doing that ten years later.
- Linnell smiled a BIG smile all the way through Doctor Worm.
- Flansburgh came out after the encore set to point at his watch and "mime" that they weren't allowed to play any more, since it was now past midnight.
- The show was for students only, but I was still allowed in when I said I didn't have a student ID.