Mink Car Cover

From This Might Be A Wiki
Mink Car Cover tribute album cover
Mink Car Cover
Tribute Album by Various Artists
First released August 23, 2011 Tracks 17
Label Mink Car Cover Productions Length 46:38
Secondary cover artwork


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The Mink Car Cover is a full cover album of Mink Car, put together by a conglomerate of fairly popular artists, and released a few weeks before the 10th anniversary of the September 11 World Trade Center attacks. All proceeds from the sale of the album go to the FDNY Foundation. From the Bandcamp album page:

At midnight on September 11, 2001, They Might Be Giants officially released their album Mink Car and launched the celebration with a party at a Manhattan Tower Records.

We all know what happened the next morning.

To mark the ten-year anniversary of the World Trade Center attacks, and to raise money to support and train New York’s essential emergency personnel, we are going to release a full cover of the Mink Car album.

All proceeds from Mink Car Cover will go to the FDNY Foundation, the official not-for-profit foundation of the Fire Department of New York, established to provide resources for the professional development, education, and training of members of the FDNY.

The album art was done by Ryan North, creator of Dinosaur Comics.

Track listing[edit]

# Title Artist Length
1 Bangs Hank Green 3:28
2 Cyclops Rock Driftless Pony Club 2:38
3 Man, It's So Loud In Here Shael Riley and the Double Ice Backfire 3:59
4 Mr. Xcitement Devo Spice 3:36
5 Another First Kiss MC Frontalot 3:06
6 I've Got A Fang Tom Milsom 2:32
7 Hovering Sombrero Marian Call 2:13
8 Yeh Yeh Beefy and Mustin 2:40
9 Hopeless Bleak Despair Molly Lewis 3:08
10 Drink! brentalfloss 1:49
11 My Man Mike Lombardo 2:57
12 Older Nuclear Bubble Wrap 1:58
13 Mink Car Aivi Tran 2:09
14 Wicked Little Critta The Doubleclicks 2:11
15 Finished With Lies Jonathan Mann 3:18
16 She Thinks She's Edith Head R Garcia 2:37
17 Working Undercover For The Man Hello, The Future! 2:19

