Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (Brownsville Mix)

From This Might Be A Wiki
The song's artwork from TMBG's Myspace page.

song name Istanbul (Not Constantinople) Brownsville Mix
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (EP), Don't Let's Start (EP) [Elektra 10" Re-issue]
year 1990
run time 5:12
sung by John Flansburgh, John Linnell


  • An extended remix of Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by Daddy-O and Bobby Simmons, members of the Brooklyn hip-hop group Stetsasonic. They also created the Bedford/Stuyvesant Mix and the Park Slope Mix.
  • The drum break fifteen seconds in is a sample from Funkadelic's (Not Just) Knee Deep, and the "This is a recording" vocal sample is from "Got to Get a Knutt" by New Birth. Notably, both of these samples had been used by De La Soul on their 1989 album 3 Feet High and Rising - an album which John Flansburgh has mentioned as an inspiration for the sound of Flood.[1] The drum beat was used in "Me Myself and I", and "This is a recording" was used in "This Is a Recording 4 Living in a Fulltime Era (L.I.F.E.)".
  • Also contains samples from Janet Jackson, "The Walk" by The Time, and "The Robots" by Kraftwerk. The "white tornado" sample at the beginning was from a commercial parody by Bob McFadden and Bryna Raeburn called "Tornado" (from the Audio Fidelity Records album "Fast, Fast, FAST Relief from TV Commercials").

Song Themes

Body Parts, Cities, Colors, Educational, Geography, History, Language, New York City, Not In Major Or Minor, Oxymorons, Paradoxes, And Contradictory Statements, Questions, Remixes, Songs With Samples, TMBG Remakes


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Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (Brownsville Mix) is currently ranked #869 out of 1032. (36 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.31)