Guitar Was The Case
From This Might Be A Wiki

Tony Millionaire's artwork for the song
song name | Guitar Was the Case |
artist | Mono Puff |
releases | Unsupervised, They "Might Be" Giants, Super Sampler, TMBG Clock Radio |
year | 1996 |
first played | June 27, 1996 (14 known performances) |
run time | 2:38 |
sung by | ![]() |
- The title is a reference to the Snoop Dogg song "Murder Was the Case".
- Flansburgh says, "Originally written as a ska song for a TV program and later rejected by finicky producers, this track takes some of its melodic inspiration from 'Hall Of Heads' off of TMBGs Apollo 18 album, and a lot of its vibe from the recordings of the Ventures and Dick Dale. It's essentially a surf guitar duel between me (on the right speaker) and Mr. Mike Viola of the Candy Butchers (on the left speaker.) It also introduces the awesome boogie-power of the rhythm section: Mr. Hal Cragin (Iggy Pop) and Mr. Steve Calhoon (Skeleton Key)."
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