
From This Might Be A Wiki
For the studio version of this song, see Pittsburgh (Studio).
Screenshot from the studio version's video

song name Pittsburgh
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Venue Songs, 50,000,000 They Might Be Giants Songs Can't Be Wrong
year 2004
first played July 25, 2004 (28 known performances)
run time 1:20
sung by John Linnell


It's a gig we played [...] after the release of our first album. [The venue] stood on sort of stilts on an edge of a hill, which we became aware of after we played the set, it was hanging maybe 40 feet over the edge of a precipice. It added to the sense of exciting danger.
  • Jamie Kitman recalled that the Electric Banana was nearly empty for the 1987 show. The Johns shook hands with everyone there and played "the best concert he had heard," Kitman told the New Yorker in 2001. An executive from a local Pittsburgh station was in the crowd, and the following day, "Don't Let's Start" was first broadcast on commercial radio.
  • In the DVD introduction to this song, "Monongahela", John Hodgman references Johnny Banana, the actual owner of the Electric Banana.

Song Themes

Cities, Dreams, Falling, Food, Forgetting And Remembering, Intelligence, Espionage, Paranoia, Titles And Honorifics, Venue Songs


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Pittsburgh is currently ranked #291 out of 1022. (31 wikians have given it an average rating of 8.61)