Kids Are Different Now

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Kids Are Different Now
artist They Might Be Giants
releases eMusic Freebies (as "Unreliable Narrator (I'm The Substitute)"), Music From Malcolm In The Middle (Promo) (as "Substitute Teacher"), TMBG Unlimited - October, (2000-2006)
year 2000
run time 1:54
sung by John Flansburgh


  • Originally titled "Unreliable Narrator", and possibly written in 1999 by John Linnell[1], with its title being used as the provisional title for Mink Car[2]. The album (and song title) for the MP3 released in 2000 was listed as "Unreliable Narrator (I'm The Substitute)," identified as eMusic album 17805 in the "comments" field of the MP3's ID3 tag.
  • Another version of the song was spoken word only, and was released exclusively through Dial-A-Song in 1999 alongside Trucker's Coffee, another spoken word track.
  • TMBG assumes the persona of the fictitious band, Spool 409, as part of the Battle Of The Bands. This is likely a parody of the name of the band Blink-182, as this song is in the style of their music.
  • This song originally appeared in 2000 as one of several free MP3s offered through eMusic that predated TMBG Unlimited.
  • Appears in the Malcolm In The Middle episode "Funeral".

Song Themes

Battle Of The Bands, Children, Occupations, Questions, School, Title Not In Lyrics


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