From This Might Be A Wiki
Some songs are somewhat educational, whether or not they intend to be.
Central theme / Greatly educational
- A Shooting Star Is Not A Star - Round, educational fun from Hy Zaret And Lou Singer
- Alphabet of Nations - The countries of the world in alphabetical order (some of them, anyway)
- The Bloodmobile - Written for Franklin Institute Science Museum, how the human circulatory system works
- C Is For Conifers - About coniferous trees
- Cells
- Elephants
- James K. Polk - The United States' 11th president
- Mammal - Learn about our own class, Mammalia
- Meet The Elements - All about chemical elements and compounds
- Meet James Ensor - Belgium's famous painter
- Put It To The Test - A scientific philosophy for proving scientific theory
- Share A Story - Written for a PBS promo
- Tesla - The scientist
- Who Are The Electors? - Learn about United States Electors
- Why Does The Sun Shine? - Learn about stellar astronomy
- Why Does The Sun Really Shine? - Learn the truth about stellar astronomy
- Zeroes - Gives a textbook definition of the mathematical value 0
Briefly mentioned / Mildly educational
- Canada Haunts Me - Upon examining the lyrics, you realize that it's about James K. Polk
- Cut The Strings - Physics and Isaac Newton
- Dinner Bell - Learn about Pavlov's dog, and the interconnectedness of your arm
- The Edison Museum - It's about a real place
- Istanbul (Not Constantinople) - The naming history of Istanbul
- King Weed - Some facts are in there
- My Man - A metaphor for paralysis
- New York City - Lists real places some people may not have heard of
- Speed And Velocity
- Tippecanoe And Tyler Too - Vital American history
- Where Do They Make Balloons? - "Marmalade's from Scotland," etc.