Bodily Mutilation
From This Might Be A Wiki
Songs dealing with the specific form of violence known as bodily mutilation, e.g. "makes your face implode," as opposed to just killing or hitting a person.
Central theme
- Chip The CHiP - "If you drive too fast he'll eat your face", etc.; "So if your eye offends you poke it out"
- Dr. Sy Fly - "He's going to have to amputate / He's going to chop off all that you've got"
- Till My Head Falls Off
- You Probably Get That A Lot - Disembodied heads and beheaded bodies in harmony
- You're On Fire
Briefly mentioned
- Buckle Down, Winsocki - "If you break their necks"
- Circular Karate Chop - "Short sharp shock" describes a severe physical punishment — in its original context, Gilbert and Sullivan's The Mikado, the lyric refers to a beheading
- Certain People I Could Name - "A few surviving Samurai survey the battlefield / Count the arms, the legs, the heads, and then divide by five" implies dismembered bodies
- Climbing The Walls - "I was grinding my teeth ... using up my teeth"
- Crystal Fortress - "I'll melt your face"
- The Drinky Crow Show Theme - "Off with their heads, off with their heads"
- ECNALUBMA - "...I've got the need to spite my face / I've got a nose, I know what to do / Hand me that electric knife"
- Experimental Film - "I already know the ending it's / the part that makes your face implode". Also in the music video, Strong Sad holds up his hands and his hands have holes in them.
- Letterbox - "You took a bite out of my spine"
- Madam, I Challenge You To A Duel - "Oh please, don't burst a lung"
- Museum Of Idiots - "Chop me up into pieces, if it pleases, if it pleases"
- Nothing's Gonna Change My Clothes - "All the people are so happy now, their heads are cavin' in"
- Push Back The Hands - "Go back, to when you had a right arm"
- South Carolina - "I was an "I" and now I am a "V""
- What Did I Do To You? - "Whatever happened to chopped off / Unloved, resentful appendages?"
- When The Lights Come On - "What remains of my left hand", "Unless I pass out once again / And find the bandage where my kidney used to be"
- When Tornadoes Take Over The World - "Your friends will be swirling right above your disembodied head"
Honorable mention
- Mink Car's album cover features a dismembered dummy
- The Spine's liner notes contain what is, presumably, a deer hanging upside-down from a tree. The flesh around the rib cage and spine seems to have melted leaving the head and a pile of liquefied flesh on the ground.
- Synopsis For Latecomers contains the alarmed question, "Who ate the babies?"