Hot Dog!

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Video from the Here Come The 123s DVD
The Hot Dog dance from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse

song name Hot Dog!
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Disney's Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Here Come The 123s
year 2006
run time 2:28
sung by John Flansburgh; John Linnell, Robin Goldwasser, and Amy Miles provide backup


  • Created by TMBG for use in the Playhouse Disney series, "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse". From a Disney press release:
After successfully completing the day's adventure, Mickey recaps the day's fun activities and lessons learned through the celebratory "Hot Dog!" song. Mickey turns to the audience and, with a wave and a wink, he promises to "See Ya Real Soon." The "Hot Dog!" song, written and performed by Grammy Award-winning alternative rock band They Might Be Giants, is featured in each episode.
  • Reportedly a favorite of Diana Krall and Elvis Costello's twin sons, Dexter and Frank.
  • In 2009, Disney began producing a toy version of the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse called the Mickey Mouse Shape Sorter Playset in which children push blocks into corresponding holes on the toy. In addition, the toy plays "Hot Dog!"
  • "Hot dogs!" are the first words ever spoken by Mickey Mouse, dating back to the 1929 short The Karnival Kid, where he is selling hot dogs at a carnival.

Song Themes

Animals, Body Parts, Cartoons, Dancing, Food, Non-John Vocals, Plants, Spoken Word, Temperature, Time


  • Watch it on Youtube.png
  • Watch it on Youtube.png - static video

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Hot Dog! is currently ranked #1002 out of 1035. (84 wikians have given it an average rating of 6.49)