Judy Is Your Viet Nam

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Judy Is Your Viet Nam
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Join Us
year 2011
first played July 15, 2011 (62 known performances)
run time 1:26
sung by John Flansburgh


  • According to John Flansburgh, this song "did start as a Christmas song, and then sort of veered a hard left." - 2011 WXRT Radio Interview
  • Flansburgh on recording this song, via Tumblr in November 2011: "There were two other versions of 'Judy'—or maybe three really—one was very much in the same folk rock mode of 'Old Pine Box', and one was tiny electronic and kind of unsatisfying. The Join Us version is very much the band just going at it in as rowdy and a loud a way as possible. The over-the-top drumming is more Keith Moon/Mitch Mitchell inspired than anything else I could immediately point to."
  • This song was available for free download on the now-defunct RCRDLBL.com in 2011.

Song Themes

Dancing, Geography, Gleeful Irreverence, Holidays, Lies And Deception, Numbers, Oblique Cliches Or Idiom, Parties, People (Imaginary), Questions, Real Estate, Time, Trees And Other Plants, War, Weather


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